cf and headaches


New member
do other people suffer from headaches as a result of all the physio that is needed daily.I spoke to my docter about this and he said it was linked to the pressure you put on your head every time you wheeze and cough ie blood rushing to the brain


New member
do other people suffer from headaches as a result of all the physio that is needed daily.I spoke to my docter about this and he said it was linked to the pressure you put on your head every time you wheeze and cough ie blood rushing to the brain


New member
do other people suffer from headaches as a result of all the physio that is needed daily.I spoke to my docter about this and he said it was linked to the pressure you put on your head every time you wheeze and cough ie blood rushing to the brain


New member
Hey Dude!
I get bad headaches too from physio( i lay with my head below my body ) and the blood sorta rushes to my head and i get a bad headache...also if i am coughing alot and very hard my head feels terrible..not likea normal it feels like my brain is rattling around inside of my head lol ...sounds weird but thats the only way i can describe it. There isn't much i can do...i usually pop a few tylenol...( i dont think it helps but its phsycological for me lol) and then i lay in the darkest room i can find and snooze!!

I wasn't much help but I know how you feel for sure!!



New member
Hey Dude!
I get bad headaches too from physio( i lay with my head below my body ) and the blood sorta rushes to my head and i get a bad headache...also if i am coughing alot and very hard my head feels terrible..not likea normal it feels like my brain is rattling around inside of my head lol ...sounds weird but thats the only way i can describe it. There isn't much i can do...i usually pop a few tylenol...( i dont think it helps but its phsycological for me lol) and then i lay in the darkest room i can find and snooze!!

I wasn't much help but I know how you feel for sure!!



New member
Hey Dude!
I get bad headaches too from physio( i lay with my head below my body ) and the blood sorta rushes to my head and i get a bad headache...also if i am coughing alot and very hard my head feels terrible..not likea normal it feels like my brain is rattling around inside of my head lol ...sounds weird but thats the only way i can describe it. There isn't much i can do...i usually pop a few tylenol...( i dont think it helps but its phsycological for me lol) and then i lay in the darkest room i can find and snooze!!

I wasn't much help but I know how you feel for sure!!



New member
I get headaches all the time, and each time I cough it pounds more and more. It's terrible and I've found nothing to help it.


New member
I get headaches all the time, and each time I cough it pounds more and more. It's terrible and I've found nothing to help it.


New member
I get headaches all the time, and each time I cough it pounds more and more. It's terrible and I've found nothing to help it.


New member
I get headaches, everyday actually. I know some of it is from sinuses, but i also no that cough and to much albuteral can give me a migriane


New member
I get headaches, everyday actually. I know some of it is from sinuses, but i also no that cough and to much albuteral can give me a migriane


New member
I get headaches, everyday actually. I know some of it is from sinuses, but i also no that cough and to much albuteral can give me a migriane


New member
Definately have your sinuses checked. Mine are all backed up at the moment and cause whopper headaches. Plus, I've also just recently learned that, if you do have a sinus infection and you don't take care of it, it can infect your eyes and eventually your brain.


New member
Definately have your sinuses checked. Mine are all backed up at the moment and cause whopper headaches. Plus, I've also just recently learned that, if you do have a sinus infection and you don't take care of it, it can infect your eyes and eventually your brain.


New member
Definately have your sinuses checked. Mine are all backed up at the moment and cause whopper headaches. Plus, I've also just recently learned that, if you do have a sinus infection and you don't take care of it, it can infect your eyes and eventually your brain.