CF and jobs


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This is the first time I have ever started a new post. How exciting!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Anyway, i was wondering how people who do not work support themselves. Especially those who are my age and not getting social security

My dad still supports me because I don't make enough money yet. If i am unwell and can't work I can't think of any other options.


Sue 24w/CF


New member
I currently am on unemployment and was on medical leave. I've been on it for a year now, but it runs out this June. I live with my boyfriend, and he makes enough to support the both of us. Even if I didn't have unemployment, I know he could support us, but money would be somewhat tight. I don't like the idea of going back to work, because I've been sick off and on for the pasat year, and more so this new year. I may even be going in hospital tomorrow, so it worries me to think about going back to work. I suppose worst case I may have to get a parttime or casual job.

Sorry that I'm no help to you. I don't know what I would do if I were on my own. More then likely I would probably go back on Social Assistance. Have you thought of that option? I know in some cases you are able to work and make up to a certain amount of money before Assistance is no longer available to you, like you can be on assistance and making up to $100 on the side I believe, but that's here in Canada.


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I do not work. I am on SSI and am still on my dads insuance as a dependent. At this point I can't work because I am being evaluated for a TX and I am too sick to work. I did go to College and I am a Surgical Technician but got seriously ill aftert school so I never got to work officially as a Surg tech. It kinda stinks because I loved doig that but I just can't.


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I am in sales. I enjoy it because as long as I meet my quotas the job allows for a lot of freedom. Having that freedom really helps with treatments, more time to eat, etc. And also the obvious things such as a salary w. benefits helps. It may not be for everyone but it has allowed me to lead a pretty normal career life and still stay on the healthier side..


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I am currently on SSDI, but when I did work I had 3 major jobs. My first out of high school was a receptionist at a law firm then I worked at an answering service & my longest & last job was in the admissions office of our local hospital. I was at the hospital for 12 years!


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Thanks for the replies. I guess I just feel bad that I am still getting money for my dad. I am a teacher, not the best idea, but i love it. i just don't know how much longer i can do it and was wondering what to do. Thanks!


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If you are currently working, or are entering a new job, make sure you check your benefits package to see if they include disability insurance. In addition, many companies offer optional disablity insurance packages that you can purchase. There are usually rules such as "if you sign up within the first 90 days you don't need to provide a medical history or medical exam." Similarly, they may say that you have to work for a minimum amount of time before being eligible. Anyway, for anyone entering a job that offers these benefits, you definitely need to sign up. If I lost my job due to disability tomorrow, I'd receive close to half of my current salary until I hit age 65.


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I'm 40 years old and I receive Social Security Disability Insurace and a Disability check from my former place of employment. Now on the Social Security Issue I only get back what I put into it from the time I started working and paying SS taxes when I turned 16. Basically you could say I'm receiving my SS retirement benefits that I would have received when I hit my retirement age only I get to collect them now because of my "disability". And having CF of course there is a better than not chance I will not make it to that age. As for my Diability Check I receive, I took out long term Disability Insurance with the company I worked for. Benefits should be the #1 thing A CF person should inquire about when seeking employment. Now I don't get two huge checks every month. Whatever my Disability Insurance Carrier pay's me is deducted from my SSDI check each month. Combined it's around 60% of what I was making (55,000.00/Year) before I had to quit work in 1998. My parent's taught me a valuable lesson when I entered the work force way back in 1982. When I leave the nest and get out on my own after finishing High School and/or college. Some people complain all the time about paying taxes and benefits and health insurance but they are the ones who don't do the right thing and plan for unexpected things to happen and they can't pay for their health problems or injuiries and we all get higher taxes and higher insurance premiums and I thanked them for teaching me that lesson because without it I would be up sh*t creek. Anyway I digressed there a little bit but to I hope I answed your main question.


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I work full time 46hours per week. I did get a note from my Doctor to reduce my hours but have not turned it in yet and I'm not going. I will save it for later time


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This year I was unable to get insurance because they required me to fill out my medical history and they are having money problems and would fire me. Yes i know it is illegal but still there are always ways. So I am on state insurance but that runs out next year. So I am looking for another teaching position.

Does anyone know why the insurance required medical history that the school would see. I thought it was supposed to be confidential. I was told that since our school had less than 90 employees they could do that. sound familiar?

Sue 24w/CF

gotta remember to log myself in!