Purursha, I am a sucker for most new ideas. So much so that I maintain a laboratory for testing the sorts of things like colloidal silver and Petro-Carbo salve. I've added MMS to my list.
I was one of those who went along with my friends taking Timothy Leary's advice to " tune in, turn on and drop out". I've had wheat grass smoothies and enough goat milk products to last a lifetime. That was way back in the days when cars didn't come with seat belts and alcohol and tobacco were advertised on TV. Around 1970 my generation of doomsday preppers invaded the Bitterroot Valley and built a Utopian community unplugged from the world and creating Co-Ops to provide organic ranching and gardens using the French Intensive Gardening methods to maximize the yield and quality as customers cut zucchini from the vine. Oh, it was heaven and so healthy. We needed 4,000Calories a day to cover the work it took to keep our Xanadu functioning.
I was sometimes immersed in that lifestyle but always kept one foot in the empirical world of science. In looking for something to support the community and get paid for it, I set up an all purpose laboratory and became the ad hoc standards and product safety service. I've tested the feeds and fertilizers to the final products. On occasion I ran bacterial analysis and such for everything from veterinary care to samples from the patients of holistic practitioners. There was very little we couldn't test including early TENS units. I tossed a lot of natural cures out and documented some astonishing unconventional cures. One example of a quack cure that is quietly used in conventional medicine today was an electromagnetic field device placed around a broken bone that substantially speeds the knitting of the broken bone.
Just like today, we had some bad ideas mushed up with some amazing and verifiable health improvement. It was a wonderful lifestyle that on that merit alone, the lack of stress cured stress related illnesses. It was colloidal silver that I hit my first serious questions about a natural product. I knew about silver from my grandmother (born 1900) and the medical argument that raged in her day.
I've actually built two digestive systems using artificial and natural organ components. Using natural sausage casing which is cleaned and dried small intestine and a hot water bottle, some clamps, a blender, chopper and a couple pumps and valves, I had an artificial gut that could actually digest food and extract the sugars, water, certain nutrients and amino acids. I used it as a tool for testing and a great prop for non scientists to understand certain processes.
What I am trying to drive home is in the case of MMS, unless you are a researcher or scientist with the actual knowledge to model a molecule and run test interactions with living tissue, you do NOT know anything in fact about MMS. The first thing you must understand is how to critically analyze data. Can you determine if all the cures are actually from MMS, doing staistical analysys to determine if the data confirms it's " the real thing". Do you know how to determine if MMS is carcinogenic? Mutagenic? Are any of the new chemicals formed by the interaction of MMS and living tissue carcinogenic or mutagenic? How does the liver and kidneys fare? I could go on but I hope my point is made. Evidence on YouTube was an embarrassment. Anytime a fairly simple chemical is attributed to cure a disparate range of otherwise unrelated conditions my BS detector goes off.
What happens when MMS is out of date? When is that? How do you store it, take it, when and how much do I need it for malaria? Denge Fever? Exactly how does MMS accomplish what it does? At best it is an antiseptic. People have been trying to take antiseptics internally for centuries. The mouthwash of choice in the day was Listerine. Mostly ethanol the carbolic acid antiseptic was the real selling point. Egads! It was like sterilizing a needle with a blowtorch, talk about overkill.
As a career scientist/engineer I am qualified to pick on MMS. The chorus of other contributors include some very qualified people who have been kind with their words. What I'd love to suggest is this. You're young and healthy, give it a try on yourself for a few months and get back to us. Make sure you nebulize or drink it according to the suggested strengths. If it is helpful it must also be harmless.
P.S. I was making a point, please don't experiment with MMS. Have some cannabis instead.