CF and Piercing


New member
Hi everyone, I'm a 17 y/o female with CF and CFRD, and I am interested in getting my tongue pierced, but I am trying to gather as much information as I can before making such a big descision. Has anyone had experience with piercings (other than ear), in which your doctor warned against it because of your CF?Is there an increased risk of infection/complications if you have CF?If anyone could please share thier experiences, that would be fantastic. Thanks


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I have 8 in my ears, and an eyebrow ring. I'll probably be getting my belly button sometime before the summer. I also have a tattoo. Never had any real trouble with any of them. My eyebrow was infected for a while, but it gave me no trouble that a normal person's infected eyebrow wouldn't have given them. Have fun!


New member
Hi there, I have my nose pierced, ears done (5 total) and had my nipples pierced. The only issue I ever had was I had to remove nipple rings for chest x-ray and couldn't get them back in. Also have tattoo's... shouldn't necessarily be concerned, just ask doc about potential risk for transferring lung infection to your blood if you have an open wound (tongue piercing) in your mouth. Good Luck!~XD


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Oh yeah, one other thing.. As you well know, being diabetic makes one slower to heal- which also may be a concern... not to mention potential dental issues....~XD


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OK, You're going to get some "motherly" advise from me here, hope you're not offended=)I would say any of the other piercings I've seen listed here would be not much risk, but I don't have to tell you that your tongue is a whole different issue. I would ask your Dr, but I'm guessing that you would be putting yourself at a greater risk of infections w/ a tongue piercing.My dentist also told me once that a dentist friend of hers told her of a person that had their tongue pierced & ended up inhaling the earring into their lung & had to have one of the lung lobes removed by surgery because of the earring. I'm not sure if it started an infection in the lung or what?? Just food for thought..... Good luck either way!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
I know a few people who have CF and CFRD who have thier tongue peirced and have not had any troubles, i do not have it done myself (and don't plan to). But just so ya know there are a couple people i know who have it done with no troubles out of the ordinary.


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you just have to be more careful with aftercare. if you get slack with it you might find that problems will arise.


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I believe *correct me if im wrong* but they really prohibit piercing and tatoos when you have a port. I know that several of my friends who have gotten the port had to take out most their piercings that got easily infected when they got the port. If you are thinking about getting one, then having a piercing and a port could put you at serious risk for blood infections.. Ive been wanting my belly button peirced for a while but havnt done it due to my port..good luck,


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i had my tounge pierced and had no problems. you shouldn't if you keep it clean and follow the instructions on care.


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hey everyone im 22 cfer with two tattoos and used to have my tounge pierced and had no problems. you shouldn't if you keep it clean and follow the instructions on care. i took it out because of work.


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I got both an eyebrow piercing and a tattoo after my port was placed. I had no one tell me not to, and no problems with it. But that's just me.


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Hey im a 20y/o w/ cf i have a tatoo and i got my tongue and La Brea pierced i have had my eyebrow pierced twice but had to take it out due to infection i have not had any problems with my other piercings


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Hey I have my belly button pierced and I had no problems. I don't think you will have any trouble with infection, however when my friend got her tongue pierced she couldn't eat anything but soup because it swelled up, and hurt for a long time. This is a concern for all CFers and CFRDs who need to keep up their weight. Just something to consider.Bethany23/CF/ CFRD


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I have never intentionally pushed sharp objects through my skin. Plenty of unintentional though<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">Anyways....this has nothing to do with CF.....but some of my friends have broken teeth on their mouth barbels(sp?).Jake21 w/cfAnyone here from the dayton ohio area in here......would really like to get in touch(not necessarily face to face for obvious reasons)


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My Wife Has CF and Has her Labret pierced, shes had it for about a year now it healed really well in the amount of time the professional piercer said it would as long as she continued to clean it properly. at no time did it seem to affect her cf or be affected by her CF. My wife is now actually thinking about getting her nipples done. So in regards to your question it really shouldnt have any affect on your CF but it is always best to check with a doctor before hand for any possibilities


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My daught. has had peircings everywhere snce she was 15, tongue,nose cheek ears and nipples, although you are at risk of infection, she has been fine with them,.


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i have my tounge,7 in ears, bellybutton, nipple and i have 2 tattoos. i'm 18 and have cf and cfrd and ive never had a problem with any one of them.


New member
i have my tounge,7 in ears, bellybutton, nipple and i have 2 tattoos. i'm 18 and have cf and cfrd and ive never had a problem with any one of them.