CF and the monthly cycle- again, for the ladies...


New member
We got discussing on another thread about how PMS and the monthly cycle affect cf symptoms (like bloating, worse digestion, affects on hemoptysis, congestion, etc.), and whether or not there were benefits to our health to not have a period (for example, birth control that lets you skip, etc.) and moved it here (to not "hijack" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> )

3 who responded (am including myself, though I didn't post it there) felt better when pregnant and not having a period, and I felt better (even with a pneumonia flare up that put me in the hospital) without it while I was breastfeeding.

Every month, I get bloated, congested, (not to mention, um, let's say "grumpy"lol), tired (exhausted the day before my period starts), and get the runs the day before (a bit TMI-sorry). My meds (especially antibiotics) bother my stomach more during this time, and I have to take my stomach ache pills, which make me sleepy. Plus, it is pretty much the only time I cough up any blood, though not on a regular basis. I really dislike living like this for a week every month. My actual period isn't that bad anymore, since getting treated for endrometiosis and having my daughter.

Does anybody skip their periods (intentionally) and has it made a difference to your overall health and/or CF problems? (physically, mentally).

And, specific to me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">, if you have taken oral BC, and had to stop (for me, it gave me stomach aches that were believed to be liver related), are other options, like the ring, easier on the system?


New member
We got discussing on another thread about how PMS and the monthly cycle affect cf symptoms (like bloating, worse digestion, affects on hemoptysis, congestion, etc.), and whether or not there were benefits to our health to not have a period (for example, birth control that lets you skip, etc.) and moved it here (to not "hijack" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> )

3 who responded (am including myself, though I didn't post it there) felt better when pregnant and not having a period, and I felt better (even with a pneumonia flare up that put me in the hospital) without it while I was breastfeeding.

Every month, I get bloated, congested, (not to mention, um, let's say "grumpy"lol), tired (exhausted the day before my period starts), and get the runs the day before (a bit TMI-sorry). My meds (especially antibiotics) bother my stomach more during this time, and I have to take my stomach ache pills, which make me sleepy. Plus, it is pretty much the only time I cough up any blood, though not on a regular basis. I really dislike living like this for a week every month. My actual period isn't that bad anymore, since getting treated for endrometiosis and having my daughter.

Does anybody skip their periods (intentionally) and has it made a difference to your overall health and/or CF problems? (physically, mentally).

And, specific to me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">, if you have taken oral BC, and had to stop (for me, it gave me stomach aches that were believed to be liver related), are other options, like the ring, easier on the system?


New member
We got discussing on another thread about how PMS and the monthly cycle affect cf symptoms (like bloating, worse digestion, affects on hemoptysis, congestion, etc.), and whether or not there were benefits to our health to not have a period (for example, birth control that lets you skip, etc.) and moved it here (to not "hijack" <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> )

3 who responded (am including myself, though I didn't post it there) felt better when pregnant and not having a period, and I felt better (even with a pneumonia flare up that put me in the hospital) without it while I was breastfeeding.

Every month, I get bloated, congested, (not to mention, um, let's say "grumpy"lol), tired (exhausted the day before my period starts), and get the runs the day before (a bit TMI-sorry). My meds (especially antibiotics) bother my stomach more during this time, and I have to take my stomach ache pills, which make me sleepy. Plus, it is pretty much the only time I cough up any blood, though not on a regular basis. I really dislike living like this for a week every month. My actual period isn't that bad anymore, since getting treated for endrometiosis and having my daughter.

Does anybody skip their periods (intentionally) and has it made a difference to your overall health and/or CF problems? (physically, mentally).

And, specific to me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">, if you have taken oral BC, and had to stop (for me, it gave me stomach aches that were believed to be liver related), are other options, like the ring, easier on the system?


New member
It never dawned on me until this post. Maybe one of the reasons I felt so fantastic during my pregnancy was because I wasnt going thru the PMS & period thing....hmmm! Hubby mentioned that he saw an ad for a new med of some sort that stops you from getting your period. It didnt sound "healthy" to me, but thinking about it from this aspect it is a great idea. I never skipped and hadnt really thought about doing it, but bet I would feel a big difference. Thanks for bringing this thought up!


New member
It never dawned on me until this post. Maybe one of the reasons I felt so fantastic during my pregnancy was because I wasnt going thru the PMS & period thing....hmmm! Hubby mentioned that he saw an ad for a new med of some sort that stops you from getting your period. It didnt sound "healthy" to me, but thinking about it from this aspect it is a great idea. I never skipped and hadnt really thought about doing it, but bet I would feel a big difference. Thanks for bringing this thought up!


New member
It never dawned on me until this post. Maybe one of the reasons I felt so fantastic during my pregnancy was because I wasnt going thru the PMS & period thing....hmmm! Hubby mentioned that he saw an ad for a new med of some sort that stops you from getting your period. It didnt sound "healthy" to me, but thinking about it from this aspect it is a great idea. I never skipped and hadnt really thought about doing it, but bet I would feel a big difference. Thanks for bringing this thought up!


New member
I miss my birth control pill so much. If I wasn't trying to conceive, I would be on it right now. Life was sooo much better.

The week before and during I am so moody, nauseated, bloated, constipated, hot, and have more trouble breathing. I have heavy periods (pass clots) and am anemic from it. I became anemic at 12-years-old, the minute I got my first period. I will be off the pill 2 years this June. June 19th to be exact. When I go back on it, I'll be so thankful.

And from the CF-standpoint, my FEV1 IS LOWER the week before and during my period. I am so winded climbing up steps which never happens any other time. Heck, I can usually run up the steps without a single problems. Also, I cough up more junk. It clearly affects my CF in a NEGATIVE way.


New member
I miss my birth control pill so much. If I wasn't trying to conceive, I would be on it right now. Life was sooo much better.

The week before and during I am so moody, nauseated, bloated, constipated, hot, and have more trouble breathing. I have heavy periods (pass clots) and am anemic from it. I became anemic at 12-years-old, the minute I got my first period. I will be off the pill 2 years this June. June 19th to be exact. When I go back on it, I'll be so thankful.

And from the CF-standpoint, my FEV1 IS LOWER the week before and during my period. I am so winded climbing up steps which never happens any other time. Heck, I can usually run up the steps without a single problems. Also, I cough up more junk. It clearly affects my CF in a NEGATIVE way.


New member
I miss my birth control pill so much. If I wasn't trying to conceive, I would be on it right now. Life was sooo much better.

The week before and during I am so moody, nauseated, bloated, constipated, hot, and have more trouble breathing. I have heavy periods (pass clots) and am anemic from it. I became anemic at 12-years-old, the minute I got my first period. I will be off the pill 2 years this June. June 19th to be exact. When I go back on it, I'll be so thankful.

And from the CF-standpoint, my FEV1 IS LOWER the week before and during my period. I am so winded climbing up steps which never happens any other time. Heck, I can usually run up the steps without a single problems. Also, I cough up more junk. It clearly affects my CF in a NEGATIVE way.


New member
From a non-CFers perspective...

Period skipping is wonderful. I'm on Seasonale, and I have been since it came on the market a few years ago. The "period" one gets during the placebo week on BCPs isn't a normal period; it is a result of hormone withdrawl. The only reason it was started in the first place was to keep BCPs like a woman's natural cycle for fear that women wouldn't like the pills.

There is a study running at the U of MN clinic about women's cycles and the effect on CF.


New member
From a non-CFers perspective...

Period skipping is wonderful. I'm on Seasonale, and I have been since it came on the market a few years ago. The "period" one gets during the placebo week on BCPs isn't a normal period; it is a result of hormone withdrawl. The only reason it was started in the first place was to keep BCPs like a woman's natural cycle for fear that women wouldn't like the pills.

There is a study running at the U of MN clinic about women's cycles and the effect on CF.


New member
From a non-CFers perspective...

Period skipping is wonderful. I'm on Seasonale, and I have been since it came on the market a few years ago. The "period" one gets during the placebo week on BCPs isn't a normal period; it is a result of hormone withdrawl. The only reason it was started in the first place was to keep BCPs like a woman's natural cycle for fear that women wouldn't like the pills.

There is a study running at the U of MN clinic about women's cycles and the effect on CF.


New member
As previously posted this topic is of great interest to me. Thanks for starting an independent thread on this topic. Maybe we could get enough data together from people on this site to have an medical professional report on the phenomenon??? I too used to think it was just too "unnatural" to explore options of not getting my period like Melissa mentioned but since being pregnant and not having my cycle, I really wonder if this is a more healthy way for me to live. Of course, I can't pursue pregnancy for the rest of my life so an alterative "period stopper" would be needed. Yet another reason to breastfeed! I believe that while breastfeeding you don't have your period, right? ...but that it is still possible to get pregnant.

I hope we here from people from all different "period stopping" methods - - hormonal, tubal, menopause, etc.


New member
As previously posted this topic is of great interest to me. Thanks for starting an independent thread on this topic. Maybe we could get enough data together from people on this site to have an medical professional report on the phenomenon??? I too used to think it was just too "unnatural" to explore options of not getting my period like Melissa mentioned but since being pregnant and not having my cycle, I really wonder if this is a more healthy way for me to live. Of course, I can't pursue pregnancy for the rest of my life so an alterative "period stopper" would be needed. Yet another reason to breastfeed! I believe that while breastfeeding you don't have your period, right? ...but that it is still possible to get pregnant.

I hope we here from people from all different "period stopping" methods - - hormonal, tubal, menopause, etc.


New member
As previously posted this topic is of great interest to me. Thanks for starting an independent thread on this topic. Maybe we could get enough data together from people on this site to have an medical professional report on the phenomenon??? I too used to think it was just too "unnatural" to explore options of not getting my period like Melissa mentioned but since being pregnant and not having my cycle, I really wonder if this is a more healthy way for me to live. Of course, I can't pursue pregnancy for the rest of my life so an alterative "period stopper" would be needed. Yet another reason to breastfeed! I believe that while breastfeeding you don't have your period, right? ...but that it is still possible to get pregnant.

I hope we here from people from all different "period stopping" methods - - hormonal, tubal, menopause, etc.


New member
Jenny, Please be more specific. Are you on a birth control pill that stops your period all together? What is the brand? Is this the way it is prescribed generally or by your request?


New member
Jenny, Please be more specific. Are you on a birth control pill that stops your period all together? What is the brand? Is this the way it is prescribed generally or by your request?


New member
Jenny, Please be more specific. Are you on a birth control pill that stops your period all together? What is the brand? Is this the way it is prescribed generally or by your request?


New member

I was on the birth control pill for a total of 10 years, 8 of which were called Levora. It was the generic form of something. I don't remember what. The first 2 years I was on a brand name BC pill but don't remember the name.

I took it daily for those 10 years, started it when I was 12. I would get monthly periods. They were just lighter and more friendly.

No, I did not ask to be put on it. I had developed a left ovarian cyst which made my life miserable. It was pretty big and caused massive pain and pad changes every 2 hours tops. I constantly had accidents, and it through my anemia completely out-of-wack. I got so sick with pain that I couldn't move. I lived on the sofa for 10 days straight with a heating pad. Missed lots of school. Plus, I'd vomit and have extreme nausea.

I went to my mom's GYN doc 6 months after my first period - so I was 12 1/2 years old. The cyst was pretty big. They put me on the pill to dissolve it. After a few months, they took me off of it, but it came right back and much worse. They were afraid that if I was not left on it that I would suffer a rupture or need surgery. So I ended up staying on it. I wasn't sexually active until 16 so I was only on it for the cyst. After that, I remained on it for both reasons. It wasn't until June 19, 2005 that I decided that I wanted to conceive.

My cycles were regular after only 2 months off of it. Thankfully, the cyst comes and goes now without too much interference. Yes, I get the pain with my cycles, during potty breaks, or sex, but it is nothing like it use to be. Yes, the periods are still somewhat heavy, but I'm not doubled over. Usually, I'm only heavy for 3-4 days.

I had the last ultrasound in November 2006. I knew it was there and wanted to have it checked because I knew that it was really bad. It was pretty bad. They gave me one cycle to "hope" that it went away on its own. Thankfully, it did, but it still comes and goes. The right ovary is perfect. Never had any problems with it. My mom had a history of terrible cysts on both ovaries until she had me and my sister. After that, she never got them again.


New member

I was on the birth control pill for a total of 10 years, 8 of which were called Levora. It was the generic form of something. I don't remember what. The first 2 years I was on a brand name BC pill but don't remember the name.

I took it daily for those 10 years, started it when I was 12. I would get monthly periods. They were just lighter and more friendly.

No, I did not ask to be put on it. I had developed a left ovarian cyst which made my life miserable. It was pretty big and caused massive pain and pad changes every 2 hours tops. I constantly had accidents, and it through my anemia completely out-of-wack. I got so sick with pain that I couldn't move. I lived on the sofa for 10 days straight with a heating pad. Missed lots of school. Plus, I'd vomit and have extreme nausea.

I went to my mom's GYN doc 6 months after my first period - so I was 12 1/2 years old. The cyst was pretty big. They put me on the pill to dissolve it. After a few months, they took me off of it, but it came right back and much worse. They were afraid that if I was not left on it that I would suffer a rupture or need surgery. So I ended up staying on it. I wasn't sexually active until 16 so I was only on it for the cyst. After that, I remained on it for both reasons. It wasn't until June 19, 2005 that I decided that I wanted to conceive.

My cycles were regular after only 2 months off of it. Thankfully, the cyst comes and goes now without too much interference. Yes, I get the pain with my cycles, during potty breaks, or sex, but it is nothing like it use to be. Yes, the periods are still somewhat heavy, but I'm not doubled over. Usually, I'm only heavy for 3-4 days.

I had the last ultrasound in November 2006. I knew it was there and wanted to have it checked because I knew that it was really bad. It was pretty bad. They gave me one cycle to "hope" that it went away on its own. Thankfully, it did, but it still comes and goes. The right ovary is perfect. Never had any problems with it. My mom had a history of terrible cysts on both ovaries until she had me and my sister. After that, she never got them again.