CF arthritis



Kait also complains about her arms and legs hurting her, she doesn't just complain she sometimes cries. I have not mentioned this to her docs normally will last a couple of days but she normally doesn't have a fever and i have not noticed any rash yet. She tells me her joints and bones hurt her, I guess i just thought that maybe it was from being so active and only 9 years old, i thought maybe she just played to rough that day???? i guess now i will be mentioning this to her doc.
Thanks for posting this topic

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I am so glad that this helped you understand what she is going
through. I remember adults when I was younger saying I was being to
dramatic. This is why I posted this- to help those who have what I
have had and can't seem to find a cure. I hope all feel better and
keep getting your rest!!!


New member
TO Emilee, Dea, and Stephanie,

WOW! I thought I was nuts. OK, I was DX with a condition called Henoch Schonlein Purpura. After suffering with swelling and extreme pain, rash, ect for 2 years, I finally found a doctor that took me seriously and helped me find a DX. I was in the hosp for 2 weeks while the Rheum staff looked me over. Half the staff was split and thought I had Hypertropic Pulmonary Osteo-arthropathy. Basically CF related arthritis. The other half thought it was Henoch Schonlein. I am spilt, I'm not sure. The other thing is, all these big named arthritic/rheum diseases pretty much can boil down to the same thing. Pain, joint swelling, rash. I also got the fever you're talking about.
It started one summer with a weird rash on my thigh, after I was riding my horse. And going in and out of the airconditioning into the hot air. Have any of you noticed that it is worse when you are outside in cold air, or in and out between hot and cold air? It took me years to pinpoint when I get flareups, and other than stress and fatigue, the most it happens is if I go in and out of the cold air. Even from warm summer air to air conditioning.
It progressed eventually not being able to walk at all. My hubby also had to carry me from room to room. I could only take about 2-3 steps at my worst. When I would get it, my legs from my thighs to feet would swell huge, get hot and red, and start this red rash. My feet would get so huge, I thought they'd pop! Thats where most of the pain came from. And why I coudln't walk.
It's better now, I get a minor flare up once a month probably. If I'm running to much, or have a stressful/emotional experience, or am out in the cold too much. The doc said that it had to 'run its course', and would go away on it's own probably. I really dont know what to believe. But, I was never prescribed any meds for it, except pain meds which did absolutely nothing.


New member
My flare ups are so often now that I cannot find any relation to being stressed, tired, or being sick. When I was younger I can remember sitting in church and starting to feel sore. By the time the service was over, my feet would be so swollen I too couldnt walk and had to be carried. The rash could last up to 2 weeks and some of the red bumps would swell up so bad. I remember one time that I had one on my shin that got the size of a joke. It was terrible!I dont get quite as much swelling any more, but still have the awful pain with it. I think too, as a child, my docs just thought I was over exaggerating the pain....please dont to those of you who are parents of children suffering from this. It is very painful!
This is a very strange thing though...because it only happens to those with CF. Something is going on that is causing it. It cant be a coincidence that we all suffer from the same thing. I am glad to know that I am not alone with this problem, but yet I hate to see others suffering with it as well. Good Luck to all of you! Take Care!
32 w/CF
I will have to check for the fever. I never really paid attention. For me the red spots usually come first and then I know something is going to happen and within hours I start to ache. It does make it harder to breath, like someone is pushing on my chest. My docs really haven't looked into it much they just regard it as CF related arthritis and think that is good enough. Oh well, it seems that even with a diagnosis there is not much that can be done. I am just glad to finally have a name to go with it, or two or three... Thanks everyone for sharing. I am glad to know I am not alone!



New member
What is the name of your actual diagnosis? It sounds EXACTLY like what I have, and I may think about bringing it up to my doc. She said she has heard of the CF related arth. issues, but never saw a patient with it, so it's hard for her to asses what it is.
I know what you mean about lumps the size of a baseball. I believe it, I get lumps the sizes of eggs on my thighs.
Let me ask all u this: What does the rash look like? Mine is small pin prick red spots, to large bruise-looking purple blotches. This was explained to me being, my veins actually have so much pressure on them that they burst, or get holes in them and the rash is blood coming to the surface of the skin.
When people think of a rash they usually think of raised bumps, or a skin problem. But they told me that the red/purple spots are just blood. I guess they still call it a rash though.


New member
For all of you who are wondering what the actual name of it is- it
is Severe episodic arthritis. Here is the name and number of my
doctor, he seemed to know quit a bit about it and knows a doctor in
New York as well. I guess there is a little 'phone tree' that they
have. His name is Dr. Joseph Gilg. His number is 515-241-2255. I
hope this info is helpful, sorry I didn't think of this sooner.
When I went in there he took one look at me and my problems and
knew. Since then my episodes are fewer and farther between.


New member
The "rash" that I get is exactly how you are explaining yours. I agree with you that it is hard to call it a rash because that is not what it seems to be. I use to call them "the bumps"...LOL...for lack of better explanation. But my family knew what I was talking about. My CF doc still believes it is some type of CF related arthritis. My rheumatologist has said that he believes it is "adult stills disease", but is not 100% sure because of the rareness of it. He doesnt see anyone else with this problem I honestly believe it has something to do with the CF. It is hard for me to believe it is "episodic arthritis" only because mine isnt "episodic" anymore. I guess maybe it started out that way...but because I have had it so long it has become much more severe. I dont know what to think anymore...and I believe the doctors honestly dont know either because there are so few of us with the problems...and we are all spread out across the U.S. so it is hard to research it as well.
Thanks Stephanie for the number...I am going to have my doc get in touch with him...and compare notes. Maybe if all our docs can be in contact with each other, it will help them to research it more.
32 w/CF


New member
I forgot to say..that the rheumatologist has done bloodwork and says that my rheumatoid factor is high...which means rheumatoid arthritis is present, but x-rays show no damage to the bones...which rheumatoid arthritis usually does. That is why he is having such a hard time with the diagnosis. The symptoms of fever and swelling usually go along with the diagnosis of an inflammatory type of arthritis. I would say we are a mystery!
32 w/CF


New member
Aren't we just a lucky few to have gotten this yucky thing with the
CF. I remember when we found out what it was and the doctor told us
it was rare my dad says, Oh sure, first I give her the CF and now I
give her something that only a handful of people have, don't I feel
good! He was joking though. Dea, it really sounds like you have a
heck of a time with this. I truly wish you didn't have to go
through it, it is quite possibly the ickiest thing a person could
have!!! I wish you luck!!!


New member
( <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> )
( <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">http://rheumatology.oxfordjour...g/cgi/reprint/25/4/393</a> )
( <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">http://rheumatology.oxfordjour...g/cgi/reprint/36/2/298</a> )