CF athletes


New member
I'd love to see a swim meet or some other competative sport situation raise money for CF. That'd be awesome. It might help Kathy (seasonsoflove) if we put it in terms like they do with the special olympics - meaning that everybody does the best they can. Just like with Great Strides, you can walk one lap or you can run 10 or you can show up and sit in the shade supporting the people who are walking. It isn't about how much you can or can't do. It is about DOING what you CAN do. It is, like Rob said, about setting positive goals for yourself and your health. If a positive goal for someone is to stand while folding laundry, then great - they should aim for that. If a positive goal for someone is swimming a mile then they should aim for that. I used to be a competative swimmer and the HS Varsity team. I also swam with the year-round city team. I wasn't that great at it, but it really did help maximize the lung function that I had and I felt better and had more stamina for other things. I'm currently trying to get back into the pool. I swam in college, but not on the team and unfortunately I haven't swum in any sort of athletic fashion since. But, I'm going to get started next week. I've got the pool schedule and the money for a punch card and I've started saving for a new swim suit (the kind you can dive in and do laps with). Yeah! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


'I'm not sure how I'd benefit from you having a swimathon Holly!

We actually started a Great Strides walk in our hometown 2 yrs ago which has been very successful!


New member
Congrats Rob! I think that is absolutley fabulous, and I think you should definitley be proud of it.

I have always been very physically active. So much so, that my lungs could actually make it through a marathon, in which I have always wanted to run one. But, the problem isn't my lungs, it's my knees. After years and years of being in many sports and always being active, my knees just don't want to perform a long distance run. Several times the PFT techs and nurses have asked me if I am an athlete because of my bp and pft's. I wouldn't consider myself an athlete, but I can definitley stay ahead of the pack. I believe that exercise has been one of the top three reasons why I am in pretty good condition at this point in time in my life.

Congrats again...!

Tessa 27 w/cf


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>tessa55454</b></i><br>I believe that exercise has been one of the top three reasons why I am in pretty good condition at this point in time in my life.<hr></blockquote>

What are the other two?!


New member
Congratulations on your run. I'm helping plan our third annual golf outing, "Cops FORE a Cure", to raise money for CFF. Our event is held in the Milwaukee, WI area in September. It's been a success the first two years! We have not had anyone with CF play that I am aware of, but I'd love to get some in there. The reason our event began is a co-worker has a little girl with CF. She is healthy and doing well and we want to keep it that way and raise money for CFF for her and others with CF. I think your idea of a website is great. I'm always looking around for ways to promote our event, especially to others in the CF community. If you want more info let me know.


New member
Holly Catheryn -- I love your idea about some kind of "events meet" where people with CF can participate in as much (or as little) as they are able. During the 2nd Great Strides walk I participated in this year, as I was walking, I thought, I am sure there is a way they could make this event more fun, and get even MORE people involved!!

I would love to see the kids (as well as the adults) play, and do fun activities!

I often remenisce about the CF camps I used to go to. They have since been discontinued, because of the obvious risk of transferring strains of bacteria, but I still hold on to many fond memories from them!

I will still avidly participate in Great Strides (Colleen's team raised $11,000 this year!!), but, Holly, what a fun idea you have!


New member
Hey Rob

I think that for people who can get out and exercise it is a great idea and i would love to help out an any way to orginize anything!!!! I need stuff to do with my day!!!


New member
To the last anonymous poster: Thank you offering your help! But how can I ask you to help when you don't leave your name! hah!

Rob 24 wcf