CF baby born in Africa - no CF specialists


New member
Hello ..first of all welcome, and good thing that you came to this site. I am from chile, south america, and even thou we are a developing country, i am always in the doubt if doctors here are doing the best to my daughter.. and in that sense this site has help me a lot to be sure we are in the right path.
I know the mutations of my daughter because people from the manchester hospital in the U.K. help us for free, i just send her DNA, i am sure you can do the same.
And please please dont stop breastfidding him
and ask every little and big question you have



New member
Hello ..first of all welcome, and good thing that you came to this site. I am from chile, south america, and even thou we are a developing country, i am always in the doubt if doctors here are doing the best to my daughter.. and in that sense this site has help me a lot to be sure we are in the right path.
I know the mutations of my daughter because people from the manchester hospital in the U.K. help us for free, i just send her DNA, i am sure you can do the same.
And please please dont stop breastfidding him
and ask every little and big question you have



New member
Hello ..first of all welcome, and good thing that you came to this site. I am from chile, south america, and even thou we are a developing country, i am always in the doubt if doctors here are doing the best to my daughter.. and in that sense this site has help me a lot to be sure we are in the right path.
I know the mutations of my daughter because people from the manchester hospital in the U.K. help us for free, i just send her DNA, i am sure you can do the same.
And please please dont stop breastfidding him
and ask every little and big question you have



New member
Hello ..first of all welcome, and good thing that you came to this site. I am from chile, south america, and even thou we are a developing country, i am always in the doubt if doctors here are doing the best to my daughter.. and in that sense this site has help me a lot to be sure we are in the right path.
I know the mutations of my daughter because people from the manchester hospital in the U.K. help us for free, i just send her DNA, i am sure you can do the same.
And please please dont stop breastfidding him
and ask every little and big question you have



New member
Hello ..first of all welcome, and good thing that you came to this site. I am from chile, south america, and even thou we are a developing country, i am always in the doubt if doctors here are doing the best to my daughter.. and in that sense this site has help me a lot to be sure we are in the right path.
<br />I know the mutations of my daughter because people from the manchester hospital in the U.K. help us for free, i just send her DNA, i am sure you can do the same.
<br />And please please dont stop breastfidding him
<br />and ask every little and big question you have
<br />
<br />Fran


New member
thx alot to all of you for your support!

will get back to you when i get some time again

Annie will try find some time and mail you later....

Thx alot once again!!! I have really learnt alot from this site....


New member
thx alot to all of you for your support!

will get back to you when i get some time again

Annie will try find some time and mail you later....

Thx alot once again!!! I have really learnt alot from this site....


New member
thx alot to all of you for your support!

will get back to you when i get some time again

Annie will try find some time and mail you later....

Thx alot once again!!! I have really learnt alot from this site....


New member
thx alot to all of you for your support!

will get back to you when i get some time again

Annie will try find some time and mail you later....

Thx alot once again!!! I have really learnt alot from this site....


New member
thx alot to all of you for your support!
<br />
<br />will get back to you when i get some time again
<br />
<br />Annie will try find some time and mail you later....
<br />
<br />Thx alot once again!!! I have really learnt alot from this site....