You really missed out, bowling guy! =-) Absin the Sorrow, I am sorry about your experience as well. Though there was a very dangerous risk, especially toward the end, I think it was worth it (Of course, I never caught anything; if I did, I might be singing a different tune.) Camp Red Cliff Was in Utah. Later, it was moved and renamed Camp Wood after Carol Wood, an amazing lady and one of the Camp's caring patrons. I will always remember it as Camp Red Cliff, though. It was a very beautiful place, and every year it was full of caring people that made me forget there was even such a thing as CF. My favorite part was the crafts. Every day there would be something new to paint or stitch or whatever. Every year they would have a tye-dye day, too where we would get to tye-dye tee-shirts, and there was always a day reserved to go to a nearby amusement park. And of course there was a swimming pool. Oh, yeah, and there was a stream that people could actually catch fish in! =-) I could go on and on, but I would still forget half of what I did there. Anyway, this sort of thing is impossible to do now, so I'm not sure why I even brought this topic up except I have so many fond memories. Sometimes when I want to laugh, I break out the camp year-books and go through them all. Of course, I usually end up crying. (But happy crying! not the other one.) Well, actually, sometimes I end up sad crying, too, because each book would have a memorial section for the people who died during the year. I remember each year, everyone would help plant a tree on the campground for each person that died (sniff). Anyway, whenever I need a real pick-me-up I always go for my own little craft box that I have and make a stupid little keychain, or paint a ceramic figurine, or make a necklace; there about a million things I can do, and it feels like I'm that blond-haired little boy again... Oh, yeah! There were card games, hundreds of them, always breaking out all over the place because there were always a million used card decks donated by the casinos in Nevada, and water fights, too. Huge water fights involving unimaginable proportions of water. One time someone was even using a fire hose... =-) Okay, I'll stop. For all of you who never went to a CF Camp, sorry to rub it in, but it really was great. =-) Jarod22 with CF