cf child needs a home


New member
Just to let everyone know about this cute little one. I would look into taking her too (adopting 1 with cf) but then we would be at our max for foster children and wouldn't be allowed to take anymore in. She has been on the websight since June. Just please take a look, maybe she will pull at your heart strings. Go to Click on "meet the children"; on the right click on female, 2yr, 2yr, and 1 child. Then hit search. Around 4 kids will appear(changes daily), she is in pigtails. At the time of listing rights were not terminated, but it hasn't been updated and from experience it should have been done already given that was in June. I hope this will help find her a home. I just had to try something, I hate knowing kids that are waiting more than 6m to be adopted. I know there are thousands like her but she has cf.....which to me just makes her a little more special.


New member
OH my goodness.. She is adorable.. Just adorable...... I want her.... I started to cry when I looked at all the kids that need good homes....I wish I could take her home with me and take care of her and love her like she deserves to be...

I have never seen them advertise on the internet for adoption like that before.Jt is kind of weird to me. I have a dr friend I know that is looking to adopt a child....I am going to tell him about that site..



New member
I couldnt resist looking even tho I knew seeing all of them would break my heart. Thanks for getting the word out about the site!


New member
Boy she is a doll. I had to look at all the others and I never realised so many children were out there to adopt. Especially older ones.


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It sucks enough having CF...But having CF and being a ward of the state without a loving family? Thankfully shes young and won't be able to be as depressed as say a teen would be, and let's hope she gets a loving home quick!


New member
Thank you all!!! I started to cry!!! I knew you guys had big hearts, just reminded me that's all. Remember this is only a FEW that are available!!! There are many individual state dsfs websights. You DO NOT have to be from the child's state inorder to adopt and sometimes they will only consider "out of staters'" If you want to know your state, I maybe able to help you, I had some on my "favorite" list. Just ask, I will keep checking back. Many children are never "listed", ours wasn't. When a child comes up for adoption and the current foster parent don't adopt, other foster parents are asked first. Inorder to adopt a foster child (all of these are of course) you HAVE to become a foster parent. You don't ever have to take a foster child that you are not going to adopt. The reason being is that until the adoption is final (usually 6m to 1yr), the child is considered a foster/adopt child. They continue to recieve the "medical card" and you recieve payments until it is finalized and sometimes after.



New member
WHAT A Q- T.... TOO BAD I'M UNABLE TO AT THIS TIME OR I WOULD SWEEP HER UP IN A HEARTBEAT... SHE IS TOOO CUTE TO BE ALONE FOR TOO LONG! SOME ONE WILL ADOPT HER........................................i hope<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
She is soooooooo adorable. I wish i could take her, but with having b.cepacia it is out of the question. I know she will find a home, she is too darned cute for anyone to pass up.


New member
Aww cute. I just had to look at all the other kids. I want to adopt an older one. When I say older I mean one in high school. I just feel like maybe if they could be adopted they would feel like someone loves them. I grew up with two girls (my good friends) that were foster children. They seemed to always be depressed when it came to family and any kind of relationship, even with some friends. One of them told me once that she didnt know why but she just always felt like she wasnt good enough for anyone, she said if she wasnt good enough for her parents then why would she be good enough for anyone else. Now she said this when she was very down, and she knows shes good enough and her parents had other problems to where they couldnt keep them. But it still just pulls at your heart to hear that. Maybe thats why I have always been one for adoption. I knew how much it meant to my friends and how much it means to other kids in the system. Anyway I dont think I would be allowed to adopt such an older child since i'm only 22 (23 in 3 months)...they would see that more of a friendship type relationship than a parental one. Or i would think so. My sister in law does fostering. She falls in love with every kid that walks in her door. Breaks her heart when they have to leave, but I know for sure that no matter their age they will always remember being loved there. I dont know why i went into all this. I just want to say thank you to all that have adopted or foster children. Thats a wonderful thing.


New member
Kind of an old thread, I know, but I'm in the hospital and up long enough today for the first time to catch up with things.

What a beautiful and bright little girl. I pray she finds a family who loves her and can deal with her problems.

On another note...
Leeann: Your little one's a cutie too!! Do you guys go to Denver Children's? What doc do you see? Are you happy with your care? I transitioned to the adult hospital (Nat'l Jew/University) about two years ago, but saw the pulmonary team at Denver Children's from the time I was diagnosed at 7 weeks old, and just want to let you know that you guys are with a wonderful team. I am confident that I wouldn't be alive today without their love, brilliance and care.

aka rotandroll


New member
We usually see Dr Accurso. Once in a while we see Ruth Dvogd. I love Frank though. He really knows his sutff. I am so pleased with them. We have thought of moving out of state but the clinic here makes us stay.
Where do you live?


New member
I am an adoptions social worker as well as a parent of a 3 1/2 year old boy who has CF. My husband and I have struggled with making a decision regarding having another birth child or adoption. I of course have many connections with adoption agencies, both public and private. Two months ago a little 5 year old girl with CF came across my desk. She was up for adoption. Of course my immediate reaction was to adopt her, how could I not provide her with a home that was already educated about CF? After calling all of my friends, family and getting paperwork completed, I had a moment of rational thought and called my son's doctor at the CF clinic, which is who also was seeing this little girl. His doctor immediately stated that adopting and bringing another child into my home with CF was not in hers or my son's best interest. Not that she didn't think we would care and love her, but felt that we had a choice and the choice that was best for her and my son was not to have them live together. She of course stated that families all the time have more than one sibling living together under the same roof, but those situations of course are not controllable (they are if you decide not to have any more birth children). So my dream was quickly put to rest.

However, during my discussions with everyone at the hospital, here at my office, and the agency that was placing her I've discovered that an educated family, respirtory therapist is proceeding with adopting her. So I feel better that someone that knows CF is going to be able to care and love her.

Not sure what my point here was, however, just wanted to share my experience with everyone as a parent of a CF child and my attempt to adopt another child with CF. Not sure what our next move is......
I do know as an adoption social worker that there are many, many children out there that are up for adoption and are in need of a loving and secure home. You do not have to be a foster parent to adopt, however, sometimes the wait can be shortened if you go that route. It's all about connections as everything else is in this world. Sad to say.


New member
We been trying to check on adoptions. We also have to kids 17 & 18 with CF. I agree it not the smartest move to adopt another baby with CF.We thought about it, but their always warning to keep CF kids apart unless siblings.
We're still looking into adoption cann you email me at We really haven't had very much luck.


New member
They change the link periodically. Just because she isnt on there doesnt mean she isnt still up for adoption. The agency would need to be contacted!


New member
Leeann, I live in the heart of the City of Denver. I saw Accurso for many years. Ruth is wonderful, but she is a nurse, not a doc. Do you ever see Vivek? He is wonderful as well. Feel very lucky to be seen there! They are one of the most committed in the country.

Where do you guys live? How is your beautiful little one doing? How is your family coping with the illness-- how are your other children coping?

I hope you're all well!
