we have two children with CF ages 9 and 11 and resently we were admitted into the hospital only to find out that all CF paitients now have to be confind to there hospital rooms and are only aloud to leave for test and schooling, we were told that all CF credited hospitals were adopting this new rule, saying it is to protect the children from contacting other infections from other CF children... as CF parents we disagree with this new rule..from day one we were told not to confind our children from the world to put them in daycare and allow them to be in public schools and to be in sports.. where i my add is where our children pick up most of there infections that lead to hospitalizations... "NOT THE HOSPITAL" also by allowing our children to run the halls in the hospital it allowed the children to excersize there lungs.... now they have tiny rooms that allow little room to play and be active..plus most CF patients have a long hospital stay 15 to 20 days for IV med. that is a long time for a child to be confinded to a small room... and we believe will cause CF patients to become depressed and with drawn.. Some families both parents work or are a one parent family this also causes problems because the child ends up spending long hours by them selfs.. we already feel bad for not being able to be with our children all the time when they our admmited. this only makes us feel worse... If you could share with us how you feel about this we would apprecate any comments