This is a great post and I can't believe I have missed it for so long.
I have to add a few to the list here one of which I am shocked that they have not been mentioned yet - if they have I must have missed it.
<b>Hairgirl - Roshelle</b>: The more and more I talk to her and read her blogs the more I am inspired by her. She has had a rough road - especially as of late - but she keeps on going and maintains a good attitude through it all. I think about you so often and am always wishing for the best for you. I swear if we were near each other I would be at your house helping you out in a heartbeat.
<b>Energygal - Risa</b>: Woman woman woman. You have helped me out in more ways than you know. When I first had questions about transplant you were one of the only people I could talk too. Your attitude and positivity amazes me and like I have said to you before there is something about you that I find very soothing. Thank YOU for all that you do - even if you don't think it is much, it is everything.
<b>Quoof</b>: My man - you are nothing but trouble. Okay seriously our talks started as friendly banter about the Colts and Pats and they were once in a blue moon. Then I started the transplant process and you were one of the first to reach out to me. We have learned so much about each other and our situations in recent months and I consider you one of my very good friends. You have helped keep me sane - and even when I got the call you were trying to get me to relax and sleep - silly man .. let's see if you can sleep when you get called in the middle of the night .. it will come my friend I am praying for it daily.
<b>Augustmom0003 - Amanda</b>: I can honestly say beyond a shadow of a doubt - you WERE the VERY first person I felt a connection with on this site. We didn't seemingly have much in common at first other than our Colts obsession. I am a patient and you a parent. I have enjoyed talking to you and learning about you and have thought often about your family and Ethan. I am always touched by the outpouring of love you have shown to me and hope you know how appreciated it is.
<b>LittleDebbie - Debbie</b>: Ha need I say more. There are so many things that you say or write that make me think you have been sitting in my head taking notes. You have spunk and a sense of humor that is always rolling swiftly off your tongue. You are awesome and I love the way you make me smile.
<b>Mom2Leila - Keeley</b>: I know you in real life and I hope you know how much I love you and your fam .. but just in case you don't. I love you guys and I am so glad that Kurt brought you into my world. You are awesome and such a wonderful caring person - and of course the crew is amazing too. I can't forget my tough little cookie <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">.
I could carry this on all day but I won't I love so many of the people on this site and truly should start my own blog post about what I love about each of you. ... hmmm maybe a good idea. Otherwise I am going to put a few more names out there of people that have touched me in some way since I have come to this site. I would love to share on each - but as I said ... this could last all day.
and so many more - everyone that has supported me even though I may not know you well - all that you have done is appreciated.
I love everybody I guess I should say - oh shooootttt!
Take Care,