CF heriditary?


New member

I just took my youngest daughter to the doctor yesterday and was told
she may have cf. We go to a test apointment on wenesday. My question is
that if the gene is heriditary the does someone somewhere in your family
have to actulaly have to have cf? Or do they just have to have the
affected gene to pass down? and if someone has to have it how many
generations does it skip before it shows up again?
thanks for your time,


New member
You only have to pass the gene. Both parents must have a mutation for cf and they must both pass their mutation to the child for the child to actually have cf. If both parents are carriers, there is a 1/4 chance the child will have cf, 1/4 chance the child will not have nor be a carrier of cf, and 1/2 chance the child will be a carrier. Please let us know what you find out. Good luck. How old is your daughter?