CF history


New member
Does anyone know the history of learning about CF? I have read that it has only been known for about 50 years. I'm curious to learn more about the beginning of recognizing CF. How did it happen?


New member
If you go to you can find out more. I think it was first recorded in 1955, but the first real absolute dx with the gene mutation findings was in 1989. There is information about it going back to the late 1800's of CF cases, but nothing was known or treated successfully at that time. You can also google CF history to find out more.
mother of 3 healthy kids &
1 (undx waiting for DNA results)


New member
thanks, Candace. I found this: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a>I am often asked if there is any family history ... but my parents were born in 1914 and 1916, each had a single sibling and I have only two cousins. In their generation, and earlier, many babies and young children died because there were no antibiotics. So, I wanted a little more clarity in understanding the clinical recognition, beyond the German folk song, of CF.


New member
My Dad was born in 1918 & had 2 brothers who died before he was even born. One of them died of pneumonia. Could it have been CF? Sure....anyway to know....NO! Unfortunately until the blood tests for the gene came along there was no way to know until someone with CF was born. Now with time & the expantion of OB & Newborn screening more & more carriers will be identified. I guess every illness needs a starting point, but because CF can easily have symptoms of other problems its still fairly recent that TRUE CF dx have been made!