Hi, My name is Sunny Singh, I a Sikh Indian and I live in Singapore. And I have Cystic Fibrosis. I am 24 years and was diagnosed with CF at 6 months. Here in Singapore there are no CF doctors or any CF centers. Yes, I am the only CF patient in this country. I have no relatives with CF and do not know anyone with CF.Where do i get my treatment and medication? I travel to the UK and Australia every 6 months and carry back home with me 6 months supply of colistin/tobramycin and creon enzyme. Doctors here do not understand cystic fibrosis and evertime i get sick i simply take cipro 750mg for 2 weeks.As a CF sufferer i am fortunet to be healthy. My FEV is about 85% but my lungs x-ray do show bronchiatatisis (lung damage) at certain areas. I am no doctory but i can make out the difference between a normal lung and mine. Mine is dirty as what the doctor here says.I vist the cff.org website everyday without fail hoping for some goods news of a cure. I don't understand what the future stands for me and yes i am scared. Being a CF sufferer knowing no-one is like me that surrounds me is very depressing. Anyone has any comments to brighten me up? Is there any asians or Indians with CF out there??