CF- Intimacy and Reproductive Health


New member
Your ideas are important! I am an adolescent medicine doc interested in what you have to say.
If you are interested in completing a research study about teens with CF click on the link below or paste it in your browser.
All responses are 100% anonymous. Thank you!

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

This post and link are posted with the permission of web administrators


New member
Hi there,

I think your research topic is important, however, I was wondering if you could give us a little more information - Who is funding this research study? Who are you? What hospital/clinic/institution is conducting it? Could you share a project discription with us? I think if you do that, you'll be far more likely to get a decent response. Although... as one who is somewhat interested in quantitative research and survey design, how does one measure the response rate of a survey posted on an internet forum??

I'm not questioning the importance of the topic, I'd just like a little more information before I take your survey. Thanks.


New member
And what 's with Survey Monkey....when you're dealing with reproductive health in teenagers?

Don't you think there would be a better title to use?


New member
Hi, I'd be happy to give more info.
No one is funding the study- I am an Adolescent Medicine Fellow at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia- my fellowship program supports any costs I accrue- I do the work myself and the website where the survey is posted costs the division $20/month. This study is NOT connected in any way to the pulmonology program/CF center at CHOP.
The survey is based on an observation- actually what I learned from members of this forum-
I posted an anonymous question a few months ago asking what I needed to know as an adolescent medicine doc about PWCF and sexual and reproductive health- the responses were amazing, I learned more from what poeple shared with me than I could have ever imagined. Mostly because a lot of it isn't in the medical literature or part of any medical school cirriculum- and I want to change that.
I believe that information about reproductive health should be freely accessible, discussed early, and completely transparent-but what is most important is what you believe. I want to take the information you give me and bring it to the medical community. I want to develop teaching tools- FOR THE DOCTORS!- to better meet your needs.
That's pretty much it.
For the nuts and bolts of the survey tool/response rate, feel free to email me: (it's also on the 1st page of the survey)-there are obvious limitations to an internet based survey, but I think the advantages: diverse responders (location, age, experiences), no connection with any providers, and anonymous will make this a very powerful eye opener for the medical community.
Hope this helps.
Also- thank you to all that have already given your input. Your insights are remarkable. If you think this is an important topic, tell your friends to give their input too!
Please, if anyone has any questions or concerns about the survey, feel free to email me.


New member
Dr Lisa, I think what you are doing is absolutely fantastic and I am thrilled that someone in the medical profession has taken an interest in this topic and is ACTIVELY doing something about it!

You don't seem one to get discouraged but I still feel the need to state it because I felt the anon. poster was quite rude, specifically in that last post. Please don't let some of the rude comments like that, which DO float around this board, discourage you from posting subsequent surveys on this stie, asking further questions, or visiting and reading. I personally believe what you are doing is incredibly valuable to the CF community and am thrilled by your survey.

I had this huge paragraph written and my computer battery died... I a far too tired to retype it but the general idea was this. 8 years ago my husband was given the somewhat horifficy, life changing, and petentionally harmful (mainly psychologically) news in what I would consider anything but a sensitive and informative manner (as he relays to me, I wasn't there). Since then, so much more has been discovered and there are many more resources that can be utilized. In these times, so many CF clinics are actually located at or very near large hospitals. These hospitals are very likely to have infertility clinics, OBGYN clinics and reproductive doctors/clinics-I can't begin to understand why clinics that treat teens and adults haven't established a close relationship with one of the aforementioned clinics/specialities. They have dieticians that come into clinic visits, social workers, RT?s, nurses and of course the doctors?. Why not an infertility specialist at some point? Especially if the person is expressing and interest in the topic of reproduction and sexuality.

-annon. poster SURVEY monkey is a credible company where people pay to create and utilize assistance in creating productive, in depth surveys for various purposes. Next time before you criticize someone who is inadvertantely assisting you, it might be wise of you to do a tad more research. Quite franly I am surprised that the Doctorlisa even gave you the courtsey of a response but that just goes to show me-and anyone else that she is indeed professional. And did you even look at the questions contained within the survey before you complained about the company base that the survey was created with?
You may remove your foot from your mouth now.


New member
Thanks Julie. I appreciate it.
I actually don't see it as rude.
I am the visitor here, this space belongs to you.
I want everyone to feel free to ask for more information and I'll do my best to provide it.


New member
Monkey Hater, are you illiterate or just ignorat? The server for the survey is called Survey Monkey, like excel spreadsheet, Microsoft word, Microsoft publisher-althought you don't seem to know much about this world, it's clear by your postings. THE TITLE OF THE SURVEY IS NOT CALLED SURVEY MONKEY-get it now?

And it's clear you are the same poster both times so why don't you just admit you had something to add to your post instead of making it sound like you are a whole different person.

And I felt you were quite rude to a person who is actually trying to help CFer and felt the need to point that out to you. Have you even bothered to be useful and fill out her survey?

Oh well

and if you feel the need to continue this dispute, please email me or log in and utilize the private message button. I don't want to take away from this thread anymore than we already have.


Have to say agree with Julie [on a number of things] This is an awesome thing to do for the CF community.

Monkey hater, get a life really. If you know that monkey is also slang for a sexual term [and not a very often used one among the teen population (and to top it off it's mostly used on the internet of course)] then you <b>should</b> know that Survey Monkey is for online surveys. Posting that on here just makes you sound ignorant.

CHOP, what a lovely accronym for a childrens hospital :grins: I'm glad I go to UPenn. Right in Philadelphia too. I live there. wee... I will definitely send this survery to the other CFers that I know.


New member
i filled it out, is 27 cosidered a young adult? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> the teen years are still fresh in my mind, though, and i remember the lack of discussion of this survey topic.


New member
S, My husband is 25 and he filled it out. I would think it's ok, maybe it would be good for doctorlisa to hear from the younger crowd and those who have "been there, done that" sort of thing.

I am curious too though Doctor Lisa, are you interested in responses from an "older" crowd as well?


New member
I appreciate input from anyone who wants to give it ("older" or not).
The survey was written with teenagers in mind, but everyone's voice is important.
I think no matter how old, or what your experience, your persepctive is valuable.
The more information we have about this topic, the better.


New member
hi my name is stephanie i have a freind with cystic fibrosis and we have just become really close i love him and he loves me but my question is can u catch cf by drinking out of the same glass and most inportantly can you catch cf by kissing and touching plz help i need to know weather we can start a relationship and also he told me he is sterile is there any other way he could have kids <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
*lol* Don't worry, Stephanie, you can't catch CF at all...from anything. It's genetic, so it's not contagious. Yes, there are other ways to have kids, just search this forum. There have been many topics about it.



I took the test and noticed a question I found interesting. Is it common for men with CF to have a decreased volume of semen? Without getting to personal, I have noticed a variance of volume in myself for as long as I can remember. I always assumed it was because of my CF but have never read anything that said that CF and "volume" were related. Just wondering....

