CF living in Kentucky


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Louisville rate high in their statistics on the Cystic Fibrosis website, I would like to hear how the staff is with the patients.


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Hi Ya, distant neighbor. Nice meeting you and yes I would like to stay intouch and if I knew how to private message you I would.

How is Samantha doing and what promted you to have her tested?


New member
Hi Ya, distant neighbor. Nice meeting you and yes I would like to stay intouch and if I knew how to private message you I would.

How is Samantha doing and what promted you to have her tested?


New member
Hi Ya, distant neighbor. Nice meeting you and yes I would like to stay intouch and if I knew how to private message you I would.

How is Samantha doing and what promted you to have her tested?


New member

Been to Bardstown too! I'm interested as well about how you like the Louisville clinic. Being in western KY, we have several different clinics to choose from in about a 4 hour range from us....Louisville, Lexington, St.Louis MO, and Vanderbilt in Nashville which is were we attend. I am completely satisfied with Vanderbilt but have always been curious of what or if treatments would be different for Briceton at another clinic---basically just wanting to make sure he is getting the best treatment possible. I would love to hear more about your experience with the Louisville clinic!


New member

Been to Bardstown too! I'm interested as well about how you like the Louisville clinic. Being in western KY, we have several different clinics to choose from in about a 4 hour range from us....Louisville, Lexington, St.Louis MO, and Vanderbilt in Nashville which is were we attend. I am completely satisfied with Vanderbilt but have always been curious of what or if treatments would be different for Briceton at another clinic---basically just wanting to make sure he is getting the best treatment possible. I would love to hear more about your experience with the Louisville clinic!


New member

Been to Bardstown too! I'm interested as well about how you like the Louisville clinic. Being in western KY, we have several different clinics to choose from in about a 4 hour range from us....Louisville, Lexington, St.Louis MO, and Vanderbilt in Nashville which is were we attend. I am completely satisfied with Vanderbilt but have always been curious of what or if treatments would be different for Briceton at another clinic---basically just wanting to make sure he is getting the best treatment possible. I would love to hear more about your experience with the Louisville clinic!


New member

I would like to know more about the trial your daughter is doing! Also, a huge THANK YOU to your daughter for enrolling in this study! We wouldn't be where we are in the CF world today without people like you and your daughter. Also, to PM the top right of their post there is a light bulb, a person with a question mark, and a person with a bubble above its head----click on that and you will be able to PM the poster. Hope this helps!


New member

I would like to know more about the trial your daughter is doing! Also, a huge THANK YOU to your daughter for enrolling in this study! We wouldn't be where we are in the CF world today without people like you and your daughter. Also, to PM the top right of their post there is a light bulb, a person with a question mark, and a person with a bubble above its head----click on that and you will be able to PM the poster. Hope this helps!


New member

I would like to know more about the trial your daughter is doing! Also, a huge THANK YOU to your daughter for enrolling in this study! We wouldn't be where we are in the CF world today without people like you and your daughter. Also, to PM the top right of their post there is a light bulb, a person with a question mark, and a person with a bubble above its head----click on that and you will be able to PM the poster. Hope this helps!


New member
this the study its a double blind placebo-controlled : <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
this the study its a double blind placebo-controlled : <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
this the study its a double blind placebo-controlled : <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
Hi guys!!! What can I say about the Louisville clinic? Well, from the beginning they have been wonderful with us. This is still new to us, and they have taken the time to explain everyting to us and we are never rushed. I feel like I can call anytime with any question and they are helpful and knowledgeable. I am very comfortable with them. I can truly say that they are "our" doctors. I feel like they not only treat my daughter, but they know my daughter. So far Samantha has not been "sick" and only had one hospitalization right after diagnosis to clean out her bowel, which was almost blocked. We had her tested at the suggestion of her pediatric gastrointerologist. She has been followed by and endocronologist for about 3 years now for growth. When the growth hormone did not yeild any results, he sent her to the GI who immediately suggested a sweat test. Talk about a shock. He was right in his hunch and here we are. Samantha is going to be 14 in July and weighs only 64 pounds. So growth is her major hurdle right now. Otherwise she is doing great. About the pm thing, I don't know how to do that yet either, so for now we can chat here. I do have unlimited calling and would love to call if you want to share phone numbers. I am a gabber and love my phone!!! Gotta run for now, I have to take my 3 year old to the dentist, of joy. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi guys!!! What can I say about the Louisville clinic? Well, from the beginning they have been wonderful with us. This is still new to us, and they have taken the time to explain everyting to us and we are never rushed. I feel like I can call anytime with any question and they are helpful and knowledgeable. I am very comfortable with them. I can truly say that they are "our" doctors. I feel like they not only treat my daughter, but they know my daughter. So far Samantha has not been "sick" and only had one hospitalization right after diagnosis to clean out her bowel, which was almost blocked. We had her tested at the suggestion of her pediatric gastrointerologist. She has been followed by and endocronologist for about 3 years now for growth. When the growth hormone did not yeild any results, he sent her to the GI who immediately suggested a sweat test. Talk about a shock. He was right in his hunch and here we are. Samantha is going to be 14 in July and weighs only 64 pounds. So growth is her major hurdle right now. Otherwise she is doing great. About the pm thing, I don't know how to do that yet either, so for now we can chat here. I do have unlimited calling and would love to call if you want to share phone numbers. I am a gabber and love my phone!!! Gotta run for now, I have to take my 3 year old to the dentist, of joy. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi guys!!! What can I say about the Louisville clinic? Well, from the beginning they have been wonderful with us. This is still new to us, and they have taken the time to explain everyting to us and we are never rushed. I feel like I can call anytime with any question and they are helpful and knowledgeable. I am very comfortable with them. I can truly say that they are "our" doctors. I feel like they not only treat my daughter, but they know my daughter. So far Samantha has not been "sick" and only had one hospitalization right after diagnosis to clean out her bowel, which was almost blocked. We had her tested at the suggestion of her pediatric gastrointerologist. She has been followed by and endocronologist for about 3 years now for growth. When the growth hormone did not yeild any results, he sent her to the GI who immediately suggested a sweat test. Talk about a shock. He was right in his hunch and here we are. Samantha is going to be 14 in July and weighs only 64 pounds. So growth is her major hurdle right now. Otherwise she is doing great. About the pm thing, I don't know how to do that yet either, so for now we can chat here. I do have unlimited calling and would love to call if you want to share phone numbers. I am a gabber and love my phone!!! Gotta run for now, I have to take my 3 year old to the dentist, of joy. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I feel the same way about the Lexington Clinic Our CF doctor and his staff is FANTASTIC, tell you the truth the have my Vivian spoiled. But Vivian been with them at birth in fact Dr. K was the first to hold her. They take all the time that's needed to in sure that I understand everything and feel comfortable with it.
Samsmom is Samantha on Scandi Shakes, they made all the difference with Vivian she is 10 and weighs 88 lbs her weight has for the past year being really good, she has a cousin with CF that wasn't diagnosed till he was 10 and he struggle with his weigh but now is doing great.


New member
I feel the same way about the Lexington Clinic Our CF doctor and his staff is FANTASTIC, tell you the truth the have my Vivian spoiled. But Vivian been with them at birth in fact Dr. K was the first to hold her. They take all the time that's needed to in sure that I understand everything and feel comfortable with it.
Samsmom is Samantha on Scandi Shakes, they made all the difference with Vivian she is 10 and weighs 88 lbs her weight has for the past year being really good, she has a cousin with CF that wasn't diagnosed till he was 10 and he struggle with his weigh but now is doing great.


New member
I feel the same way about the Lexington Clinic Our CF doctor and his staff is FANTASTIC, tell you the truth the have my Vivian spoiled. But Vivian been with them at birth in fact Dr. K was the first to hold her. They take all the time that's needed to in sure that I understand everything and feel comfortable with it.
Samsmom is Samantha on Scandi Shakes, they made all the difference with Vivian she is 10 and weighs 88 lbs her weight has for the past year being really good, she has a cousin with CF that wasn't diagnosed till he was 10 and he struggle with his weigh but now is doing great.


New member
I don't know what the Scandi Shakes are, but I have read other posts that mentioned them. We have tried the Pediasure and Boost type drinks, but the problem is she doesn't like them. In fact she is a very picky eater, doesn't like ice cream or shakes or sweets in general. If she would eat enough I think she would gain, but she has a very poor appetite. Vivian is a cutie!!! Is she doing okay? I'm sure you have heard about the Derby that is coming up tomorrow, have you picked a horse? Mine is Dominican, a long shot but has local ties. He was named for the dominican nuns at the college I am going to (St. Catharine) Yes I am a 35 year old college student. He is from the Silver Hill Farm about 30 minutes from where I live. Samantha's CF is very mild, she has mostly digestive issues, very few lung issues. I guess we have been fortunate this far as she has never been seriously ill. Has Vivian had many serious illnesses? The more I read about CF the more I realize that no two CFers are alike. I just wish I knew what the future holds. Take care.