CF Moms-What week did you deliver your babies?


New member
I'm trying to get an idea of what the average delivery time for us cf women is. I have only come across one woman who delivered at 39 weeks-basically full term. I've come across alot who went at 34, 35 weeks.
My doctors have told me that there is a good chance I may deliver early-based on cf statistics only, not neccesarily me personally.
I'm trying to compile info from as many women as possible to see what the stats are first hand.
Going early is a big concern and worry of mine. I know that the baby would be fine, but it would turn a very happy occasion into a more stressful one, having to go into NYC to visit the baby every day till its big enough to go home from the hosp-not being able to hold it when I want, breastfeed, ect. Anyway, if you wouldn't mind sharing your info I'd really appreciate it.

Please put the week you delivered, and how your lungs/cf felt in the weeks leading up to delivery. Looking back, do you think there was anything you could have done more to prevent preterm labor, or delay it? Thanks!


New member
I'm trying to get an idea of what the average delivery time for us cf women is. I have only come across one woman who delivered at 39 weeks-basically full term. I've come across alot who went at 34, 35 weeks.
My doctors have told me that there is a good chance I may deliver early-based on cf statistics only, not neccesarily me personally.
I'm trying to compile info from as many women as possible to see what the stats are first hand.
Going early is a big concern and worry of mine. I know that the baby would be fine, but it would turn a very happy occasion into a more stressful one, having to go into NYC to visit the baby every day till its big enough to go home from the hosp-not being able to hold it when I want, breastfeed, ect. Anyway, if you wouldn't mind sharing your info I'd really appreciate it.

Please put the week you delivered, and how your lungs/cf felt in the weeks leading up to delivery. Looking back, do you think there was anything you could have done more to prevent preterm labor, or delay it? Thanks!


New member
I'm trying to get an idea of what the average delivery time for us cf women is. I have only come across one woman who delivered at 39 weeks-basically full term. I've come across alot who went at 34, 35 weeks.
My doctors have told me that there is a good chance I may deliver early-based on cf statistics only, not neccesarily me personally.
I'm trying to compile info from as many women as possible to see what the stats are first hand.
Going early is a big concern and worry of mine. I know that the baby would be fine, but it would turn a very happy occasion into a more stressful one, having to go into NYC to visit the baby every day till its big enough to go home from the hosp-not being able to hold it when I want, breastfeed, ect. Anyway, if you wouldn't mind sharing your info I'd really appreciate it.

Please put the week you delivered, and how your lungs/cf felt in the weeks leading up to delivery. Looking back, do you think there was anything you could have done more to prevent preterm labor, or delay it? Thanks!


New member
When I delivered I did not go in with the intentions of delivery. I was having hemoptysis so went in for a clean out to get thru the last month & while in it was decided I stay & deliver early by c section. I received steroid injections to assure her lungs were matured & I delivered at 32 weeks. Jazmines only problem was not being able to suck/swallow at first. I didnt breast feed because of my epilepsy meds. So I didnt have that concern, but she was 3 days old before I was able to hold her. Dr. S said I probably would have delivered a bit early anyway since during exams things were starting to progress.


New member
When I delivered I did not go in with the intentions of delivery. I was having hemoptysis so went in for a clean out to get thru the last month & while in it was decided I stay & deliver early by c section. I received steroid injections to assure her lungs were matured & I delivered at 32 weeks. Jazmines only problem was not being able to suck/swallow at first. I didnt breast feed because of my epilepsy meds. So I didnt have that concern, but she was 3 days old before I was able to hold her. Dr. S said I probably would have delivered a bit early anyway since during exams things were starting to progress.


New member
When I delivered I did not go in with the intentions of delivery. I was having hemoptysis so went in for a clean out to get thru the last month & while in it was decided I stay & deliver early by c section. I received steroid injections to assure her lungs were matured & I delivered at 32 weeks. Jazmines only problem was not being able to suck/swallow at first. I didnt breast feed because of my epilepsy meds. So I didnt have that concern, but she was 3 days old before I was able to hold her. Dr. S said I probably would have delivered a bit early anyway since during exams things were starting to progress.


My first pregnancy (he is now almost 5!) I was induced at 38.5 weeks. I had a PICC line in at the time (recieving TPN to gain weight the last 2 months of the pregnancy) and I had just finished a 2 week course of Keflex antibiotics. The doctor decided that would be the best-she was going to do an amnio to make sure his lungs were ready but I didn't have enough fluid to do one. He was born after about 12 hours of labor and he was perfect!

With my daughter (now 3), I went into labor on my own at 39 weeks, was in labor 12 hours, and she was perfect too! I didn't have to have the PICC line for TPN to gain weight with her pregnancy though-it was more of what I would call a "typical" pregnancy.

My CF doesn't affect my digestive side yet, its basically just mild lung involvement. So, my weight wasn't low to start out the pregnancies, but I did have a very difficult time gaining weight while pregnant (which is why I had to be put on a PICC line and TPN during my first pregnancy).

My lungs felt pretty good both times (my FEV1 was at about 75-80% throughout both pregnancies) and I didn't have any major complications with my lungs.

Good luck!!


My first pregnancy (he is now almost 5!) I was induced at 38.5 weeks. I had a PICC line in at the time (recieving TPN to gain weight the last 2 months of the pregnancy) and I had just finished a 2 week course of Keflex antibiotics. The doctor decided that would be the best-she was going to do an amnio to make sure his lungs were ready but I didn't have enough fluid to do one. He was born after about 12 hours of labor and he was perfect!

With my daughter (now 3), I went into labor on my own at 39 weeks, was in labor 12 hours, and she was perfect too! I didn't have to have the PICC line for TPN to gain weight with her pregnancy though-it was more of what I would call a "typical" pregnancy.

My CF doesn't affect my digestive side yet, its basically just mild lung involvement. So, my weight wasn't low to start out the pregnancies, but I did have a very difficult time gaining weight while pregnant (which is why I had to be put on a PICC line and TPN during my first pregnancy).

My lungs felt pretty good both times (my FEV1 was at about 75-80% throughout both pregnancies) and I didn't have any major complications with my lungs.

Good luck!!


My first pregnancy (he is now almost 5!) I was induced at 38.5 weeks. I had a PICC line in at the time (recieving TPN to gain weight the last 2 months of the pregnancy) and I had just finished a 2 week course of Keflex antibiotics. The doctor decided that would be the best-she was going to do an amnio to make sure his lungs were ready but I didn't have enough fluid to do one. He was born after about 12 hours of labor and he was perfect!

With my daughter (now 3), I went into labor on my own at 39 weeks, was in labor 12 hours, and she was perfect too! I didn't have to have the PICC line for TPN to gain weight with her pregnancy though-it was more of what I would call a "typical" pregnancy.

My CF doesn't affect my digestive side yet, its basically just mild lung involvement. So, my weight wasn't low to start out the pregnancies, but I did have a very difficult time gaining weight while pregnant (which is why I had to be put on a PICC line and TPN during my first pregnancy).

My lungs felt pretty good both times (my FEV1 was at about 75-80% throughout both pregnancies) and I didn't have any major complications with my lungs.

Good luck!!


New member
I delivered Alexa at 34 weeks. My pregancy was normal up until the day my water broke. My lung function remaind steady around 80%. I gained about 30 pounds during the 34 weeks that I was pregnant. No antibiotics or IV's during the pregnancy.
Alexa was 5 pounds 3 ounces and 18 1/4 inches at birth. She spent 9 days in the NICU. It was hard but we got through it.
Breast feeding was really hard at first so she got pumped breastmilk for awhile. Once she gained some weight and grew stronger she was able to breastfeed without issue. We breastfeed until she self weaned at 1 year.


New member
I delivered Alexa at 34 weeks. My pregancy was normal up until the day my water broke. My lung function remaind steady around 80%. I gained about 30 pounds during the 34 weeks that I was pregnant. No antibiotics or IV's during the pregnancy.
Alexa was 5 pounds 3 ounces and 18 1/4 inches at birth. She spent 9 days in the NICU. It was hard but we got through it.
Breast feeding was really hard at first so she got pumped breastmilk for awhile. Once she gained some weight and grew stronger she was able to breastfeed without issue. We breastfeed until she self weaned at 1 year.


New member
I delivered Alexa at 34 weeks. My pregancy was normal up until the day my water broke. My lung function remaind steady around 80%. I gained about 30 pounds during the 34 weeks that I was pregnant. No antibiotics or IV's during the pregnancy.
Alexa was 5 pounds 3 ounces and 18 1/4 inches at birth. She spent 9 days in the NICU. It was hard but we got through it.
Breast feeding was really hard at first so she got pumped breastmilk for awhile. Once she gained some weight and grew stronger she was able to breastfeed without issue. We breastfeed until she self weaned at 1 year.


New member
OMG this picture from this year? The last pic I saw she was still a wee one. Jeoff is looking great as well as you. LOVE to you all!


New member
OMG this picture from this year? The last pic I saw she was still a wee one. Jeoff is looking great as well as you. LOVE to you all!


New member
OMG this picture from this year? The last pic I saw she was still a wee one. Jeoff is looking great as well as you. LOVE to you all!