CF newborn screen


New member
Im so excited i was just watching the news and they said that indiana is now running the newborn screen for CF which is awesome!!! I think it is great after seeing all the babies in the NICU with problems that they couldnt figure out wht it was this gives them another option!!!!! just wanted to share!!!


New member
Awesome, I was diagnosed through the newborn screen here in Australia nearly 22 years ago so am very supportive of it.


New member
I just heard about 2 months ago the Kentucky is doing it also. Which I am soooo for since they had no idea what was wrong with me for 2 months and untill one day they just did the sweat test b/c it was one of the test to do, and the doc even told my mom not to worry about it, it was just a test that she wont have. Hahaha he came back and appoligized so much!! It wasnt his fault but I am glad that they have this!!!!


New member
I am so very supportive of the newborn screening as well!! I cannot imagine how much pain it would have saved me, if I had been screened at birth. I had to wait five years to find out!! I will be so glad when all the states have this as a standard test!! Cf is the second most common deadly genetic disorder, second only to Sickle Cell.


New member
emma, did you know that the uk and aussie governments have reciprocal healthcare agreements. if you come here on hols you can have free healthcare and us, likewise if we go there. good innit!!!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">