CF or something else???


New member
I have to tell you, it is great to speak to another parent about Mental health in my teenager. Everyone in the family keeps telling me that "it's just being a teen" and I cannot believe that at all. I too went through two psychiatrist before making a decision on one. We started therpay and meds for his diagnosis about 6 months ago and the improvement is tremendous so I feel good that I caught that early instead of waiting out "just being a teen" The OCD is really a huge stressor in our lives and therapy helps but there is only so much that you can do about it except be understanding and help him to recognize it.
I am taking him and a bunch of teens on a church trip tonight so that should keep our minds full. I have not really told him much about all this, he is so used to being poked and prodded that he just excepts it.
after reading all of the threads I am now concerned that I did not do the full genectic screening, so I hope that after the results come back that they will continue to follow-through with that.
Wow those psych meds are pretty strong ones, do they help out? I resisted Medications for Trevor because the side efffects worried me but I like Focalin very much. He is on chrinc sinus meds and AStham meds and Pain meds for Cramping too. He has also started getting migraines so he is constantly taking motrin-the peds doc is concerned about that. well enough for now. Thanks again.


New member
We knew our daughter had "problems" when she started kindergarden, but we were reluctant to put her on meds. for mental health because the first thing docs would say is "ADHD" and "take a pill". We felt it went deeper than that and boy were we right. We have taken her to clinic after clinic and psych. after psych. The only way we got real answers was when she began pulling out her own hair one day and I became scared and was at the end of my rope. I immediately called the ped. who referred us to a children's hospital an hour away where a mental health eval. was done and she was admitted to a mental health hospital that night. Professionals got to see her 24/7 without any meds. in a safe and controlled environment and it was only then that someone believed all the things that we had been telling them about this child. This was the hardest thing I had ever had to do, but was the best thing I could have done for Samantha to receive the care she needed. She is now well controlled, closley followed by a trusted councelor whom we have been seeing for almost 3 yrs. now, receiving help at school that has changed her whole attitude about school. I do worry about the meds. on board and how they will all affect her, but I know there is no way for her to function without them, and I feel God answered my prayers by putting people in the path of Samantha's life who could help her. My advice with your son is to always trust your gut as mother. If you believe he needs something, search for it, don't be afraid to try things but also don't be afraid to question things. Just because a Dr. has the schooling doesn't mean they have all the knowledge and sometimes the most important job of a parent is to be an advocate for their child.If your son's first round of genetic testing doesn't turn up what you are looking for, I would definetely ask for a more comprehensive panel until you find your answer. Hope you have a good time on the outing tonight. "Worry consumes our minutes when they could be filled with joy, laughter and making memories" That's my original quote I try to live by.


New member
We knew our daughter had "problems" when she started kindergarden, but we were reluctant to put her on meds. for mental health because the first thing docs would say is "ADHD" and "take a pill". We felt it went deeper than that and boy were we right. We have taken her to clinic after clinic and psych. after psych. The only way we got real answers was when she began pulling out her own hair one day and I became scared and was at the end of my rope. I immediately called the ped. who referred us to a children's hospital an hour away where a mental health eval. was done and she was admitted to a mental health hospital that night. Professionals got to see her 24/7 without any meds. in a safe and controlled environment and it was only then that someone believed all the things that we had been telling them about this child. This was the hardest thing I had ever had to do, but was the best thing I could have done for Samantha to receive the care she needed. She is now well controlled, closley followed by a trusted councelor whom we have been seeing for almost 3 yrs. now, receiving help at school that has changed her whole attitude about school. I do worry about the meds. on board and how they will all affect her, but I know there is no way for her to function without them, and I feel God answered my prayers by putting people in the path of Samantha's life who could help her. My advice with your son is to always trust your gut as mother. If you believe he needs something, search for it, don't be afraid to try things but also don't be afraid to question things. Just because a Dr. has the schooling doesn't mean they have all the knowledge and sometimes the most important job of a parent is to be an advocate for their child.If your son's first round of genetic testing doesn't turn up what you are looking for, I would definetely ask for a more comprehensive panel until you find your answer. Hope you have a good time on the outing tonight. "Worry consumes our minutes when they could be filled with joy, laughter and making memories" That's my original quote I try to live by.


New member
We knew our daughter had "problems" when she started kindergarden, but we were reluctant to put her on meds. for mental health because the first thing docs would say is "ADHD" and "take a pill". We felt it went deeper than that and boy were we right. We have taken her to clinic after clinic and psych. after psych. The only way we got real answers was when she began pulling out her own hair one day and I became scared and was at the end of my rope. I immediately called the ped. who referred us to a children's hospital an hour away where a mental health eval. was done and she was admitted to a mental health hospital that night. Professionals got to see her 24/7 without any meds. in a safe and controlled environment and it was only then that someone believed all the things that we had been telling them about this child. This was the hardest thing I had ever had to do, but was the best thing I could have done for Samantha to receive the care she needed. She is now well controlled, closley followed by a trusted councelor whom we have been seeing for almost 3 yrs. now, receiving help at school that has changed her whole attitude about school. I do worry about the meds. on board and how they will all affect her, but I know there is no way for her to function without them, and I feel God answered my prayers by putting people in the path of Samantha's life who could help her. My advice with your son is to always trust your gut as mother. If you believe he needs something, search for it, don't be afraid to try things but also don't be afraid to question things. Just because a Dr. has the schooling doesn't mean they have all the knowledge and sometimes the most important job of a parent is to be an advocate for their child.If your son's first round of genetic testing doesn't turn up what you are looking for, I would definetely ask for a more comprehensive panel until you find your answer. Hope you have a good time on the outing tonight. "Worry consumes our minutes when they could be filled with joy, laughter and making memories" That's my original quote I try to live by.