We have to order from them because of the tobi foundation. We've had problems with reordering, customer service telling us the order was sent (LYING), then we find that the order was never sent 'cuz there was a $15 copay and they didn't know who to bill it to, so they never bothered to send it. They're FOREVER LATE. I used to order ADEKS from them, but they were always overbilling on that. I had autopay on my creditcard, I'd get a bill, call them, end up paying the bill by check, getting credit, then next month a huge bill. Was too confusing. They also refused to send it a few times because vitamins aren't coverend under my insurance. HELLO! I know that, just BILL ME. Thank goodness my local pharmacy can get them. If it weren't for the tobi foundation I wouldn't do business with them. They lie, don't return phone calls or email messages. I can't imagine ordering all my stuff from them, I'd be wayyyy to stressed out.
I have heard from those who use the CF pharmacy in TX that they're great -- I order from the east cost and they ship from Colorado and they're horrible!