One thing I did not realize in your posting is that the decision you had to make, was so recent. NOt that it makes it any less painful, but that pain and heartache is so new to you still. Again, I applaud you for doing what was best for you and your family. Some may agree, some may disagree-I am honestly not sure what I would do if I ever faced the situation, and I very well may have to someday. All I know is that it is a very personal decision and just because you had to make the choice, doesn't mean you don't (or didn't) love your children-even the ones who aren't here any more. I encourage you to keep talking about it because that is what is going to get you through. You seem like a very strong woman and brave to share your story and I really did not mean to shock or offend you.
One question I do have, are you and your husband considering any more children? and if so, are you looking into PGD? If you need information, there is some on my website ( If you would prefer to email me, you can do that as well at If you do ending up ever doing PGD, I am looking for more stories (from CFers, or those who carry the CF mutation and use artifical means of becoming pregnant) to put on the "success stories" portion. I realize this may not even be something you are thinking of yet, but if you need a place to start, I have some PGD (IVG/ICSI) info on my site and some links to where you can do some more research.
Stay strong,
Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)
One question I do have, are you and your husband considering any more children? and if so, are you looking into PGD? If you need information, there is some on my website ( If you would prefer to email me, you can do that as well at If you do ending up ever doing PGD, I am looking for more stories (from CFers, or those who carry the CF mutation and use artifical means of becoming pregnant) to put on the "success stories" portion. I realize this may not even be something you are thinking of yet, but if you need a place to start, I have some PGD (IVG/ICSI) info on my site and some links to where you can do some more research.
Stay strong,
Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)