cf pregnancy


New member
here are a couple of questions i have for some of you cf mommies ^_^

1.) what were some of the crazy cravings you experianced with your pregnancy?

<b> Didnt have any odd or crazy cravings......</b>

2.) when did you feel your baby move?

<b>This is funny. From day 1 all the girls I worked with asked me if I felt the baby move. I told them I didnt know. They told me it would be like a flutter. LOL....well when you are a CFer you have flutters all the time, its called gas. It took a bit, but I finally was able to feel the baby move. She didnt big turns in all directions when I drank my one cup of coffee at work. It would require me to sit back from my desk because her LONG legs (which she has this day) would push me so hard.</b>

3.) How was your pregnancy, hard or fine.

<b>My pregnancy was fabulous. I did develop gestational diabetes which I had to control with insulin. I also started hemoptysis in my 8th month. I was surprised that took so long. I worked up until I went into the hospital for my hemoptysis & delivery.</b>

4.) did you have troubles with breathing and did you get put on bed rest.

<b>I had no problems breathing. The Friday before I went into the hospital they had my baby shower. That night I was very uncomfortable. The feeling you get when you eat too much.</b>

5.) did your scars from your tubes or any other surgery crack and bleed, if so how do i prevent that.

<b>Only scar I have is from the c section, but its so low & they were curtious of my looks. You cant see it unless you look & if you are looking there you better be me or my husband LOL </b>

6.) do you know of any places to get help with getting baby items.

<b>What do you mean by baby items? We got our crib from a co worker for $20. The rest of baby equipment I got at my shower. I bought my formula, diapers etc at our local Walmart & Shoprite. I also have a Childrens Exchange for everything from clothing etc. I found out quick that as infants you only want a few real outfits for special occaisions. The rest you want onsies or sleepers.</b>

well i cant think of any other questions right now.

i hope you all comment back

love you all

betty and baby elora(or)luke</end quote></div>

<b>Like the Name Luke, How do you pronounce ELora?</b>


New member
Elora is pronounced E- Laura.
thanks for the input on all the question guys i appreciate it very much.
im so excited im already starting to feel fluttering oen day i was like omg gas i prob gotta fart and it wasnt gas. its pretty funny now bc i know it wasnt. it felt like i had to burp or something but nothing came it felt like i had lil wings in there flappin around. me being a first time mommy i was so odded and confused on it all. im still iffy about the whole belly button poking out thing...gross X_X


New member
Elora is pronounced E- Laura.
thanks for the input on all the question guys i appreciate it very much.
im so excited im already starting to feel fluttering oen day i was like omg gas i prob gotta fart and it wasnt gas. its pretty funny now bc i know it wasnt. it felt like i had to burp or something but nothing came it felt like i had lil wings in there flappin around. me being a first time mommy i was so odded and confused on it all. im still iffy about the whole belly button poking out thing...gross X_X


New member
Elora is pronounced E- Laura.
thanks for the input on all the question guys i appreciate it very much.
im so excited im already starting to feel fluttering oen day i was like omg gas i prob gotta fart and it wasnt gas. its pretty funny now bc i know it wasnt. it felt like i had to burp or something but nothing came it felt like i had lil wings in there flappin around. me being a first time mommy i was so odded and confused on it all. im still iffy about the whole belly button poking out thing...gross X_X


New member
Haha! The belly button poking out always reminded me of those pop up thermometers that come in a chicken and pop out when its done! Don't worry, it usually doesn't pop out until towards the end when you're really big, and it does go back after!


New member
Haha! The belly button poking out always reminded me of those pop up thermometers that come in a chicken and pop out when its done! Don't worry, it usually doesn't pop out until towards the end when you're really big, and it does go back after!


New member
Haha! The belly button poking out always reminded me of those pop up thermometers that come in a chicken and pop out when its done! Don't worry, it usually doesn't pop out until towards the end when you're really big, and it does go back after!