"Cf related Diabetes?"


New member
Hey guys, just wonderin the past few weeks i've been getting used to a new diet cos i was told i have cf related diabetes but even though i'm on a proper balanced diet and only having sugar after meals, i still keep getting all the symtoms i was geting at the start. The diabetic team suggested going on insulin but they said they honestly weren't really sure what was going on because they are just still geting used to treating us cfer's with diabetes. So, i was just wonderin, other countries like America etc. seem more far ahead than we are here in Ireland with CF treatments and research etc. so does anyone have a story of their own relating cf diabetes? It'd be great to hear it cos i'm kinda scared of what's going on, to be honest, especially since the "team" themselves aren't even sure?<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


New member
My daughter is 16 years old and was diagnosed with CFRD (cystic fibrosis related diabetes) when she was 11. She has been taking insulin ever since. She eats what she wants and when she wants and we just keep track and make sure she gets enough insulin to cover what she eats. Her CF doctor told us that the CF takes priority over the diabetes and her diabetes doctor agrees. Our children's hopsital has a CF clinic where we can see her CF and Diabetes doctor in one visit and they share notes on her. I like this because they stay on the same page as one another. Don't be afraid, it's just one more thing to do... my daughter says it's more of a pain than anything. Your diabetes can be controlled...just take care of yourself.

mom to Amy 16 yo w CF/CFRD

(we live in the U.S. .. Texas actually)


New member
Usually...CFers with diabetes need some type of med to help to control the blood sugars....whether it being insulin or oral meds. I have been a diabetic now for 6 1/2 years and still take oral meds. My blood sugars are well controlled. However, MOST CFers with diabetes, usually need insulin. Good Luck!
31 w/CF


New member
Thanks a mill guys you have all made me feel so much better once again, not so worried now at all, just have to be patient once again i guess! ( my friend Steph says hi she just found out what clubbing means and thinks it's hilarious in a good way!) Thanks again!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">