CF Spouse New To Forum


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Hello everyone, my name is Jesse and my wife Martha who is 30 has CF and is awaiting a double lung transplant. She is listed for her transplant at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, we live in the Chattanooga, TN area, so she will be relocating to Pittsburgh after Christmas (without me...I must stay here and work to keep insurance). Martha and I have been together for a long time (about 10 years, seems like forever), but we were not able to get married until 2002 due to insurance issues (mostly the fear of loosing it). When I first met Martha you couldn?t even tell she was different in any way, as a matter of fact my roommate and my best friend both had a thing for her (I think she ended up with the best looking one of the bunch). Today she requires O2 all the time, she has trouble doing evryday things, she turns blue from tying her shoes sometimes! We have been through a lot, all of which we handled together. We have always been able to take care of ourselves, we did most of the things we were told we probably couldn?t (like getting married).

Well, with the transplant coming soon (early 2006) things are just getting overwhelming. I have never really been scared like this before, Martha has always fought the CF pretty hard and taken excellent care of herself. Honestly if you asked me a year ago I would have guessed that a transplant was still 2-3 years off. The CF has now taken over and now the transplant is a life or death thing. We are now fundraising for money to help with transplant costs. It is very hard for me to ask for this kind of help from family, friends, and strangers (people have been really great). Things are just crazy now.

Martha has been pushing me to find some support somewhere. She is probably right, you know I have never even met another CF spouse! I know that you guys are out there and it would be great to hear form you. It is hard to talk to most people about this, you know people ask how Martha is doing and it?s just easier to tell them she?s OK than it is to tell them how she?s really doing.

Thanks for reading my ramblings, I hope to hear from you all?Jesse

Oh, if you would like to know more about Martha you can go to:

I think she posts on here as well?I am not sure what her secret code name is though!


New member
Hi, I'm a CF spouse. If you want you can Email me. ( in profile) or PM me, and I'll support/help you anyway I can.



New member
I'm not a CF spouse yet... we're getting married in August.

There are a few spouses/SOs on the boards (you might try looking at the adults board as well).



New member
Welcome Jesse, I'm a CF spouse too (you aren't alone.......). I'm at work right now so I have to make this short but I just wanted to welcome you and tell you that I'm glad you found a place to come. This website is wonderful and a great place to find others to talk to and support you (and pray for you if that's your thing) anytime, but especially when things get tough.

I will keep you and your wife, and her transplant, in my thoughts and prayers and sincerely hope to see you around!

Take care of yourself too!


New member
Thanks to everyone for your support. I have been checking out the site, I think I might hang out here...Jesse


New member
Welcome and Hello to you both. I have a daughter with CF but we go to Childrens in Pittsburg. They are wonderful there and have such a great CF team. I may not be a CF spouse, but I do kinda know about Pittsburgh.


New member
Welcome Jesse! I think your wife is correct in urging you to look for a support group. I personally am the one that has CF, but I have a husband who has been my biggest supporter. We had a rough year regarding my health that really tested his love for me. It has gotten better as the year went on, but the beginning of 2005 sucked! I am thankful to be here to complain about it. With the holidays here I want to make an extra effort in appreciating what I do have. A great daughter & husband. A happy life even with the complications of CF. I wish the best for you and your wife. Although you have been through a lot and still have some obstacles to get thru, I wish you happiness and fortune. So many people look at the holidays in a monetary or material way when thinking of gifts or fortune. We as a CF community know what true gifts and fortunes are. Again welcome and I hope that you find the support you need!


New member
Hello Jesse, I just wanted to tell you about a site I accidently stumbled on....well the address anyway. It is I hope this works for you and it gives you a source of comfort and information.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr>Hello Jesse, I just wanted to tell you about a site I accidently stumbled on....well the address anyway. It is I hope this works for you and it gives you a source of comfort and information. <hr></blockquote>

Thanks, I will check out this site!!!Jesse


New member
Hi Jesse - Liz from the tattoo forum here. Thanks for the link to this site. From what I've seen, I think I'm going to be a regular poster here. As you know, I'm not the spouse with CF - but rather I have CF. I'm going to try and convince my boyfriend to join the site as well - I think he could use it as a support group of sorts.

Keep me posted on how your wife does/is doing!


New member
Welcome liz. I am another spouse (we're all sorts of varieties on here, parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts uncles...). My husband doesn't visit this website, but today he made his first *gasp* post on the site. It's only taken him over a year to warm up to the idea. Men can be a difficult breed. We'd love to see your boyfriend on here.


New member
Liz & Julie,

Yep, Martha has been telling me about this site for at least a year and I am just now getting on. I noticed it was mostly ladies on here and I felt like I would be out of place...I told Allie I kind of felt like a weenie on here...but now that I think about it...nothing wrong with a guy being surrounded by a bunch of ladies!



New member
LOL Remember that even to many spouses that come on here are female, there are lots of male CFers so either way you have to share the woman!


New member
Hi Jesse,
I am not a CF spouse but a CF mother. We live in Knoxville, TN! (How about them VOLS!?) I hope everything goes well with your wife and family! This forum has many wonderfuly people who can help from anywhere to emotional support, a good laugh, financial and legal advice. So please feel free to ask questions, tell stories or vent any time...we are here for you and understand what you are going through.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>lflatford</b></i><br>Hi Jesse,

I am not a CF spouse but a CF mother. We live in Knoxville, TN! (How about them VOLS!?) I hope everything goes well with your wife and family! This forum has many wonderfuly people who can help from anywhere to emotional support, a good laugh, financial and legal advice. So please feel free to ask questions, tell stories or vent any time...we are here for you and understand what you are going through.<hr></blockquote> is the traffic bad in Knoxville...Thanks for your kind words and thoughts for Martha and I. I also hope your family does well in the future...Maybe your Avery will see a cure...I really hope so...Jesse


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>debs2girls</b></i><br>Jesse, have you checked out yet? I just wondered if it helped.


I did check out the Well Spouse Association website. It looks great, but they do not have a support group in my area so I would only be able to benefit from their online forum and newsletter. I am not sure if I am going to join? Membership is only $25 a year so I am thinking about it (probably after Christmas). If I join I will post a review of the site on here! Thanks again for the tip...Jesse