Age of child: 14
1) Gender of child: Female
2) Race of child: White/Caucasian
3) How many doctor appointments does your child have in a typical week?
2 appointments every 6 months unless she becomes ill
4) How many days a week does your child leave early from school because he/she does not feel well? 0-1
5) How often is your child in the nurse's office a week?
5 or more....she has to go to the nurse each day to take her enzymes
6) How many days does your child miss in a typical school year because of CF?
7) Has your child ever been left back? (If no please skip question 8.)
How many times has your child been left back because they were absent too many days?
____ 0 ______ 1-2 ______ 3-4 ______ 5 or more
9) Is your child enrolled in either of the following programs? Section 504
10) Does your child receive special help at school? No
11) Does your child receive any of the services listed below? (Check all that apply) None
12) Do you feel that your child's CF makes him/her unable to focus on his/her schoolwork? No
13) Do you feel that the nurse and the teachers at your child's school know what he/she need? No
14) Please state obstacles/problems your child faces at school. (ex: unsanitary conditions or personal problems with school faculty.)
We have a new nurse this year that has not taken the time to educate herself on CF. I also feel my daughter should not have to go to the nurse to get her enzymes. She should be allowed to carry them.
1) Gender of child: Female
2) Race of child: White/Caucasian
3) How many doctor appointments does your child have in a typical week?
2 appointments every 6 months unless she becomes ill
4) How many days a week does your child leave early from school because he/she does not feel well? 0-1
5) How often is your child in the nurse's office a week?
5 or more....she has to go to the nurse each day to take her enzymes
6) How many days does your child miss in a typical school year because of CF?
7) Has your child ever been left back? (If no please skip question 8.)
How many times has your child been left back because they were absent too many days?
____ 0 ______ 1-2 ______ 3-4 ______ 5 or more
9) Is your child enrolled in either of the following programs? Section 504
10) Does your child receive special help at school? No
11) Does your child receive any of the services listed below? (Check all that apply) None
12) Do you feel that your child's CF makes him/her unable to focus on his/her schoolwork? No
13) Do you feel that the nurse and the teachers at your child's school know what he/she need? No
14) Please state obstacles/problems your child faces at school. (ex: unsanitary conditions or personal problems with school faculty.)
We have a new nurse this year that has not taken the time to educate herself on CF. I also feel my daughter should not have to go to the nurse to get her enzymes. She should be allowed to carry them.