cf with polysite


New member
hi evryone i need ur advice about polysite,i was in the hospital for iv atb and my doctor adviced me to put the polysite,i did it but i am afraid to regret it.does anyone have done this surgery????i need help about this .


New member
Would like to help you but I don't understand what you are talking about. What is "polysite"? You said you did it but might regret it?? What did you do? Maybe if you explained a little more I could figure out what you are talking about. Are you possible talking about a "port" ? just wandering because you said it was a surgery. A port is placed under the skin for the IV meds/fluids to be given through.



Really....what IS polysite? I tried a web search on it and came up with nothing.


New member
Hello everyone...

I read this last night...after reading several other posts that really didn't make sense to me.

I also tried to find out what this was on the web...and all I could find was that it was a type of material used to make fence. ..nothing at all having to do with cf. seemed like it could have been related to the others that I was reading.

With that in mind...and not wanting to offend anyone...just in case these were legitamate questions...I decided to not respond to any questions that seem a little off. Which seem to be increasing lately!

I'm not even sure what I think about the return response from the sender of the thread about typhoid fever!! does keep things interesting!! Ha!



New member
Come on people and stop being so quick to misjudge people or what they are asking.
A Polysite Catheter is a type of implanted venous access (port). I am not sure if this is the polysite that this person is referring to but I am sure it is since she talks about surgery.


New member
Hello again...

Thanks for your response...and for the information.

I checked it out...and found that there is "port" called a polysite catheter!

Actually...I was so happy to to find this out!

I think that if you read the responses...people were not wanting to "judge"...but...were concerned withs some of the posts...and their validity.

The reason for this was not to judge...but as a concern for people on this site...keeping things above board and supportive. apologies for anything that I have said that might have been hurtful! That was not my desire at all.

It was really an uncomfortable feeling to have...and very difficult to communicate these concerns.

But...I think the good thing is this. It's really great to have a place like this site! A place to feel be able to communicate our thoughts...feelings...and questions.

As long as the reason we do this is to gain understanding and not to come against...and to be supportive...etc...I think it's all good!!

I still think it's important to be able to raise questions...if we have a concern about any post that comes though.

I kind of look at it as a responsiblility to all of the friends and family on this site!

Thanks again...Chloe


New member
A polysite is another name for a port. They call it like this in my country too... Its not painful but annoying. Its far better than an iv.


New member
hi i think polysite is the "port" in lebanon we call it polysite ,it is placed under the skin ,i did it from one week i
have to take so many precautions not to hold heavy things,i have to go once in every month to the hospital to
inject heparin,and....i am afraid cause it s still hurting me i cannot sleep
if anyone have done it i would like to know
thank u


New member
hi Ajax,
are u really from lebanon?
i'm glad to meet people from here.
tell me more about you please.
cause maybe we can help each other.
take care


New member

Are you saying you got the polysite one week ago? Just making sure I understand. If you just had it placed a week ago it will still hurt, especially if the doctors didnt give you anything for pain. If it hurts really bad and is lasting longer than a week after surgery you should tell your doctors right away. It shouldnt hurt for a long time. Depending on the pain there could be several thigns wrong, or it could be normal and your just trying to get used to it. In any case talk to your doctors about the pain. You dont want the pain to be from an infection from surgery.


hi lamita my email is if u want to contact me