cf'er with gastro problems


New member
Hello to all! I had the same problem(s) for years! But now mine has developed into pancreatitis! The doctors always thought the pain in my gut was from being blocked up - which I was, but now we know, I was not digesting anything and the pancreas was going really bad! Now I am in the process of a "transplant" being coordinated. I too did Golytely out the wazoo and all the other products, I am currently being fed by a J-Tube in my belly. The gas problem was terrible!!!! And I always new that I was severly blocked when the gas got really bad! I cut back on enzymes and take magcitrate every couple of days. But I am really not eating much too have to go! Hope this happens to NO ONE ELSE! Just thought I would add to it! Hope you all have healthy, happy days. I have no lung involvment - Just gastro with my CF diagnosis.


New member
This is for the gal that is having motility problems...

I suggest you try to eat a cup of yogurt each day.....maybe you are low on the good bacteria in your intestines. Most of the yogurts have listed on them if they have live cultures in them. You can also get Acidopholis pills at GNC and other pill stores....


I have an unusual way to empty... I have been taking soap sud enemas for 20 years. I don't have the bloating or discomfort because I do it every 4 or 5 days. It works for me without taking any nasty stuff like miralax and golyte. I just take some gas-x once in a while. No doctor ever told me about this I just took it upon myself to try it and it worked. I also sit in an epsom salt bath after I go to reduce any swelling or tenderness down there. I am not saying this is for everyone but it has helped me.


New member
I think all of you that are having distress and constipation are taking too little of enzymes. I am 22 and am on 4 tabs of Ultrase MT20 per meal. I was taking 2 per meal and went to my doctor complaining that I was always constipated and my stomach was cramping all the time, he was surprised I was only on 2 and he told me to move up to 4 right away. You all might want to talk to your doctor about your dosage


I was just diagnoised a little while ago and had not been taking any enyzimes my whole life. It was my problem with consitpation that lead to my diagnoisess. I just had my genic testing to see where I am at on the chain and then they said they will start me on suppliments and vitamins. They called it Adult Onset CF. I guess I will be learning more as time goes on.
