cfers dating cfers???


New member
what do you all think of pwcf dating other cfers??? is there any chance of cross infection or anything???
just wanted to know what everyone thinks.


New member
not to put you off, but the best way to look around on this one is to use the search feature as there were some discussions about this a few months ago.


New member
It is not a good idea because of cross infection between both CFers, ie MRSA, pseudomonas (SP??????) b cepacia, etc. This is the reason why they don't have CF camps anymore. Yes, it stinks that CFers can't relate face to face and compare their stories together, but this is how it is with this disease, unfortunately...yuck!!! ! I am surprised that Julie didn't explain this instead of suggesting you go to another part of this site...oh well!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
i think its fine.... as long as you know what youre getting into. im sure a grown adult should be able to make a decision without people screaming 'cross infection' at them. but, im not keen on the idea of teens having non serious short term relationships with other cfers. idf imagine hormones would get in the way of thinking straight lol. but ultimately its up to the individual.

anonymous, cf patients arent lepers. whats so yuck about them having friendships or something more?


New member
I was going to explain it, but there was a post like this a few weeks ago, maybe a few months ago actually. I can't seem to find it now, but I will repeat what I said then. There is the risk for cross contamination, a huge risk when you consider that as a dating CFer you won't be just having conversations, you will probably be kissing, sharing drinks, holding hands, sharing food.... You MUST be mature and able to consider everything involved if you are going to enter a relationship like this.

Do I think that the [possible] risk of cross contamination should stop you from love? NEVER. If you love somebody, you love them regardless of what "ailments" they might have. I do agree with kybert that you need to be mature enough to understand the risks, complications and such. If you love someone, you love them.


I agree with Julie, if you do start a relationship with another CFer make sure that it's going to be serious, the risk of cross-contamination is nothing to sneeze at [sorry bad pun]. If you do, let your doctor know that you are in a relationship with another CFer.

I'm moving, so my doctor currently doesn't know. I expect my new doctor to raise hell when he finds out that I am in fact in a relationship with another CFer. I'm so looking forward to that, but my health is very important to me and so is he.


New member
Hay i dnt have cf but i am geting to like a man who does i really no nothing about cf and would really appreciate a website that gives honest truths and tells it how it is.i would really really appreciate if anyone has the time to reply.


New member
thank you every one all your answers have been really helpful!!!! im really grateful!!! im currently in a relationship with another cfer (i have cf too) and i really love him. i agree that as long as i know what im getting myself into then i should be able to make my own dicisions. every one wants to stop us seeing eachother because of the health risks-but i dont think any one has actually bothered to ask how me and him felt about this. But im not going to let people stop mee seeing some one that i love so much. Does anyone else agree with me?
Please keep your replies coming-this is getting me down at the moment and i need to speak to people about it. Thanks


New member
Ok, although I am not a CFer I still have my opinions about stuff like this so here it goes. You have to do what makes YOU happy. There are going to be a million times in your life when a majority of the people don't agree with what you think or do and they are going to "ride" you about it. Ultimately, you are the one who will live with all the decisions you make. Never in your life, or as the end is nearing should you have to say, "I wish I did this, I wish I wouldn't have listened to them...".

There are 2 ways to live your life (in my opinion). One is by quality and the other by quantity. If you live your life by the quality of things/people you wish to have, you might do some risky things (bunge jumping, sky diving, relationship with another CFer and risk getting yourself sick...) that might make you sicker, might make the "end" come a little faster.... but in those last moments you can reflect on all that you did in your life and be happy. Or, some choose to live their life by quantity, doing all they can to preserve their bodies and not taking too many risks. In the end, they may live longer, but they probably didn't do all those risky, fun and crazy things that they wanted to and many many times they have regrets. Then there are some in the middle who aren't one extreme or the other, but a combination of the two. I am the type of person who leans more towards quality (especially after dating and marrying my husband who has CF) than quantity. He lives his life the same way. If you don't enjoy yourself and do what makes you happy-what's the point?? That is how I live life. To each his own, but maybe it will help you feel better about your decision to do what makes YOU happy.

Sometimes the others who are "riding" you right now will come around, and sometimes they won't. All you can do at this point really, is tell them you understand/or that you hear their concern, but you are doing what is best for you and your happiness. It's ok to ask them to start keeping their opinions to themselves.

I wish you the best in this relationship,

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
The way I see it is Love is Love and if u love someone it does not matter what u all have I mean u cant stop loving someone speically if u all feel so strong about each other. good lucky

PS u all will not need it if u truly love each other
I have dated another CFer about 2 years ago and we hung out all the time in the hospitals and the nurse and doctors never said anything so i think its okay.


New member
wow! theres loads of people who have a partner that have cf so im thinking its fine as long as you really love eachother and know what youre getting yourselves into - who can the hell has the right to tell you who you can and cant fall in love with???
Keep putting your thoughts forward everyone i think they could be very heplful to this girl!!


New member
My Dr. has always said this was a bad idea, like CF summer camps and all that. If one has an antibiotic resistant infection or something of that nature they can easily infect the other. I've never dated anyone with CF because of that, and when I do date, I'm really careful about being around them when they are sick, even with colds and try to encourage flu shots. I dunno, it seems like a bad idea to me.