CFers from Canada


New member
Hi, I'm a canadian female w/CF (in my 20's), I have wrote a couple of times on this site......I wanted to know if there are may others here from Canada. I'm very fortunate where I live, I do not have to pay for any of my med's that are related to CF. They are covered by the goverment at 100%, however, I had to fight for months to get Tobi (I have it now <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> )I'm VERY interested in the Vest. Any Canadian's have info on this? I have a feeling that the goverment will not pay for it. But I do have 80% medical cvg through my employer. I asked my doc awhile ago but he has not gotton back to me yet.


New member
I am Canadian from Ontario and I do believe that our meds are covered by the Canadian CF Foundation which most of the money comes from fund raising, I am not sure how much money comes from the government. I too would like to try the vest but I have been told that it cost's like $15,000 US. I doubt the foundation covers the Vest considering I had to pay for my own Nebulizer. You could check out if you were to buy the Vest how much you could write off on your taxes, which I am pretty sure you can.What part of Canada are you from.Dave 29 w/cf


New member
I am from BC Canada and was told by my clinics (kids and adult) that they do not feel that the vest is effective enough and choose not to use it. Although in some cases they do reccommend it. I like my way of doing physio, PEP mask, it is VERY effective for me and compact for my many travels to see family. My meds are all covered by government because i am on disability. I am 19 and have a 3.5 year old son (not biological, i have been raising him since his second birthday as his mother decided she didn't want to be a mom shortly after his first birthday). I have the most wonderful man in the world who couldn't be better at dealing with CF issues it amazes me so much. Must go now.Julie


New member
I am from Quebec Canada and none of our meds are covered by the government so it must be covered by your province. I know that Ontario does cover the majority of the meds. We get our coverage through our employer, but it is not 100% so over the years the meds start to cost a lot of money.I do not know about the vest but I have heard both positive and negative. Unfortunately, at the cost it would be tough to try it and then not continue using it.


New member
I thought the CF foundation paid for meds. I guess I was wrong if in Quebec you have to pay for it. Enzymes, Ventolin, Tobi, Colistin, Cipro, Pulmicort, Losec, these are all things that I take which I do not pay for I just call the Pharmacy a couple of days before my next appointment and all my stuff is ready when I get there. There are some things that are not covered that I have to get through my drug plan from my employer like Pulmizyme, Zithromax and Symbicort.Dave 29 w/cf


New member
I live in Ontario - Toronto to be exact. My understanding is that a list of drugs was approved around 1993 to be paid by the province. Drugs such as TOBI that came after that date are not covered. My doctor said that Ontario does have a drug program for people that can't afford drugs, but I have insurance to cover prescriptions.My TOBI and Zithromax are covered through my employer's drug plan at 90%. My partner's drug plan then picks up the other 10%. I am very thankful given the high cost of TOBI: around CND$3,300 for a four-week supply. At that price even 10% is expensive!Michael36 w/CF