Hey guys and gals, please don't take this the wrong way, however, although priceless relationships with fellow CFers can be more then gratifying, I have to ask. Is it safe to say, that most of your relationships that are priceless and irraplaceable, are based on the fact that you are all of mature age group, therefore, having the undoubtibly respect for each other when it comes to personal space and that of not coughing and or sneezing or spreading of germs respectively within each others personal space?
I mean, if you were two four year olds, and in the play ground, would you respectively be cautious of each others space? I mean would you not sneeze near each other, or cough on each other, or even wipe some form of nose secreation on each other accidentely?
Although, I totally understand friendship and respect the common ground between CFers, would it be safe to say, that a younger age group would be less capable of iddentifying with potential danger amongs each other, in comparison with an older much more mature age group?
In that I mean, a four year old can be told to wash their hands over and over again, but might only wash their hands a third of the time requested. Where as an adult or at least teanager, would respectively appreciate the potential danger and won't contaminate your personal body and/ or space.
In Cf clinics, I find that all age groups are keeping their distance, walking around, not sitting too close, and even avoiding conversation. Is it really a personal choice cause I have been reading these post and find that everyone says they are all, for being up, close and personal, but in the end who will say " no thanks, I will take the next lung transplant that I desperately need and give it to him, only to wait for another six months for a potential donor for myself.
I'm just trying to get a realistic view on this subject, because, unlike AIDS victims and/ or hepetitis "C" victims, grave quantities of bodily fluids would need to be exchange in order to cross-contaminate, however, CFers, need only to cough on each other and infections can be transfered with serious consequences.
It is very noble of most of you and others such as my child to be friends with fellow Cfers, however, does friendship override life, safety, longevity for our children? I tend to air on the side of caution, their are other great relationships my child or yours can have with children their own age, until they are of mature age to respect and to appreciate common personal space and bounderies, I feel that their is a questionable allowance on the closeness one can share with a fellow Cfer at such a young age.
What do you think? ALL comments welcome, just keep in mind honesty!!!!! Need responses ASAP!!!!