cfers spreading germs to each other


New member
Well unless she's the devil him/herself, I don't see why she would do this stuff on purpose. I mean I don't see why she would get your CFers together with hopes that yours will get sicker. If her and her kid are okay with being around other CFers, then she has every right to include her in neighborhood activities. Unfortunately, if you're the one that's uncomfortable with your child being around another CFer (not saying it's wrong, just making a point), your child is going to be the one that has to be left out of more stuff. It wouldn't be polite to ask your neighbor to leave her kid out because you're uncomfortable. Especially if they don't care about the socialization of CFers together. If you care, you're probably going to have to be the one to take precautions, whether it be leaving your daughter out of play dates, or whatever else.


New member
I really don't think she is intentionally doing this at least I would hope not. Just voice your concerns to her & I bet she'll understand & maybe she hadn't even thought about the two of them cross-infecting each other?