Sweat test was 55. I believe it was referred to as "CFTR metabolic syndrome" it was diagnosed by a ped pulmonologist.
You will need to see a CF specialist at this point.
CFTR Metabolic Syndrome is a diagnosis given when you have an elevated sweat chloride level and/or other symptoms...BUT only 1 known mutation. Since it takes 2 mutations to technically have CF, if a patient looks like CF, acts like CF, responds like CF but has 1 mutation...then you treat as CF and this is the 'formal' diagnosis.
Once upon a time (ie 10 years ago) that sweat test result would have garnered a likely CF diagnosis, especially if he has any other symptoms. With the advent of genetic testing, it has become the standard for a formal diagnosis.
However, if you have had the testing and they found 3 mutations, then that would normally mean CF. It is possible all 3 mutations where on the same copy of the gene (you have 2 copies, one from each parent) which would point to this diagnosis. However, someone would have to look at the results to know, and honestly at this point you need a CFF accredited center to evaluate and tell you where to go from here.