Immediately post transplant you will see some changes in a person, but that is in large part due to the medications that we take. We are very hormonal and prone to mood swings. That levels out after some time and personally for me I don't feel that I have changed a whole lot with exception of foods - I like a lot more things than I used too.
I will say this though - I was engaged when I had my transplant and we are no loner together. He says my personality changed and I was no longer the person he fell in love with, though no one agrees. For me I think it boils down to this for my personal situation. I am a very driven person, as are many of us, but as my health was failing I went into conservation mode instead of pursuing my dreams. My ex met me as my health started to decline, so he only really knew "conservation mode" me and not everything else about my drive and determination to accomplish things. Once I had my transplant and got my life and health back on track I reverted back to my old self. I have things I want to accomplish and goals that I have set for myself. I started pursuing those and we started having issues and that is when the "you aren't the same person" comments came in to play. It boils down to this - I was the same person I was just healthy. I was driven and determined and had places to go and things I wanted to accomplish, he loved me when I was more dependent on him and could focus on him. Once my health improved and I was able to focus myself again I wasn't as focused on him all the time and he didn't like that.
Basically my point is we are all essentially the same people before and after transplant, but the process of dying changes the way we function. It isn't that WE change it is just that the way we do things changes and the parts of our personality that are more prevalent change. I personally love me now, and so does everyone else in my life. My ex didn't, so he is no longer in my life. It is that simple. It is hard to make such a huge life change post transplant, and it is NOT always the case but its possible.
Other than food I also find that now I rarely let an opportunity to do something I really want to do pass me by. If something comes along I made a promise to myself shortly after my transplant that I would seize the opportunity if I could; if nothing else it will make for a great story afterward.