Changing Reflux Meds


New member
My son started swallowing pills in early July. Yay! So we had the bright idea to try to get his reflux med in pill form (rather than liquid) for convenience purposes. He went from liquid Lansoprazole to Omeprazole pill. Insurance wouldn't cover Lansoprazole in pill-form.

Nine days later he started vomitting once a day during a meal. Eight days after the vomitting started, we decided to try Pantoprazole. Now it's even worse than ever! Some days he vomits twice a day! He's been on the Pantoprazole for 10 days.

I've been in contact with his team, but they don't seem too concerned. I'm wondering if there is a lag period after starting a new med, like it takes two weeks to kick in, or something? If so, I don't want to try another med.

Tomorrow is his birthday party and I really don't want him throwing up at it! Any advice on what to feed him just to get by until Monday?

Another weird thing...when he vomits it is like he is choking. He gets a red in the face and the vomit comes out slow. I worry that he can't breathe and is choking. Is that normal vomitting?



New member
I think you should be rather forceful in bringing this to the doctor's attention.
There is something most assuredly wrong here. I don't know how young your child is but I'd say this problem needs to be addressed.
Speaking from experience; there can be significant problems if you can't keep the acid reflux to a minimum.
Also, acid reflux is horribly uncomfortable & miserable to suffer through.
Best of luck to you both; please let me know how this plays out.
You're in my thoughts & prayers.


New member
It looks like you have a reason for your docs to file an appeal to get Lansoprazole approved. If he was fine with that and now not so much, I would go back to the liquid and just see if things change.
We had the same thing happend to us when we started anti-acids. We went for years with throwing up almost on a daily basis during a meal. We started my oldest on sodium bicarbonate pills, every time he took his enzymes and also with an herbal product called Iberogast and he no longer has issues with throwing up. Praise God!
Iberogast is a product that helps with delayed gastric emptying. Since starting these things and having the vomitting stop, my son has been gaining weight like a champ.



New member
Thanks for the replies! I got in contact with his CF team today. It turns out there was some miscommunication between clinics, that's why no one got back to us sooner. Yes, they did file an appeal for the Lansoprazole...couldn't get it approved today I ended up just purchasing some over-the-counter. I didn't even know it was sold over the counter!

We've been on the new Pertzye enzyme since it came out (in July?). That has the sodium bicarbonate in it. I looked up the Iberogast and am pretty interested in it. Thanks for telling me about that!