Chaotic Times for a Toddler


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Our sweet, sweet 22 month old, Lucy (as of now not diagnosed with CF), is not handling all of the chaos and change very well in our home. I know she is quickly approaching two, but she's enduring a lot of change right now and my heart aches for her.

She has started really acting out, especially when she has been told that she can't do something. We are lucky because a stern "No" or sometimes even a look with a "Luuuuucy" will make her stop what she is doing, but not a two seconds later, she bursts into tears. Which breaks my heart completely. I'm trying so hard to not just sit her in front of TV for hours while I work on packing; however, being 7 months pregnant in the Georgia heat (even though I'm inside and the AC is running full blast) won't allow for me to stay up late and only pack while she is asleep at night or during her naps. I'm finding that I need naps too! I'm already exhausted...and I know she has to be bored at home after being in day care the whole school year. I do vary our activities, I just need some ideas.

Dave and I have talked and we are not going to pack anything in her room until the day before the move. We want to keep this transition as easy as possible for her, but I can tell right now, aside from the "terrible twos" rearing their ugly head, she is very much affected by the chaos here. I am giving her LOTS of uninterrupted mama and Lucy play time, but it is difficult to manage her while playing because she sees the chaos and has become a whirlwind of destruction in the house. If you Mommies or Daddies have any words of wisdom to help a toddler or a toddler's mama through a move and the packing process...and getting baby Abby here, it would be greatly appreciated.

It all may be just "terrible twos" and typical toddlerdom, but I think the chaos is really a major factor. I'm at a loss.



New member
Another contributing factor to her anxiety is your anxiety -- you have gone through and are going through <b>a lot </b>lately with the testing/pregnancy/diagnosis/research for Abby and finishing school ~ not to mention just the normal stress and strain of being <b>pregnant AND moving </b>your household !!!! You have an enormous load on yourself right now with circumstances that only time will change ~ It sounds to me like you have already put a lot of good thought into what you are doing/not doing (spending mommy and Lucy time/not packing her room) so I cannot think of much else to add except can you hire a good babysitter to come to the house while you pack (or even nap) or better yet do you know any of the other families from her daycare that might also have their child home for the summer or who would be willing to have Lucy over for play time? What about the possibility of putting her back in the day care for one week? or whatever works for you & the day care.


New member

I went through the SAME thing when my daughter was diagnosed with CF. I could have written your post. When I was 7 months pregnant with my daughter with CF my husband and I moved to a different state with my 4 year old son. It was a VERY difficult time. Just do your best. Take a deep breath. My in-laws helped us pack and we hired a mover. can't really lift stuff when you're 7 months pregnant. Plus your emotions are just all over the place. Everything made me cry.

Your daughter will be ok. You are a great mom. Transitions are hard for everyone. Two can be a hard age no matter what. Your daughter may be feeling your stress and the best thing you can do is take care of yourself and try (I know it's hard) but have some special time with you and your husband and your daughter before the baby comes.

Take care
rebecca(mom to sammy almost 8 no CF and MAggie 3 1/2 with CF)


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I think fear of tainting kids with too much TV is a bit overplayed: if a few extra hours of kidvid gets you all through the move, I'd be willing to bet no long term harm comes of it. We let our son (3 w/CF) watch videos while using his nebulizer and vest because the treatments are more important than my distaste for waking up in the morning humming the veggie-tales theme song...


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We're getting ready for a move right now too! Isabelle is 3 1/2, so she can grasp the concept a bit better, but it's still hard. We have taken her to see the new house, introduced her to the new neighbors, (Maybe you could show Lucy pictures if you can't actually visit the new place.) We've told her that she'll get to take all of her things with her, and she's started to "pack" a few of her own things. I am also planning on painting her room in the new place before we move in, and letting her help. She's already picked the colors (pink and green).
I hope your move goes well. And, never underestimate the power of a little TV a day. We have 61 Dora's tivoed. That should get us through the move! HeeHee!


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We do TV, I just feel guilty if it is more than say...oh, two hours. I feel like I'm not doing my job as a mom. This whole stay at home thing is new to me, so unlike my "free" moments from work where I devote 90% of that time to her, I'm trying to adjust...I'm going to justify the extra TV time as...Mama needs her time and Lucy needs her time too! :)

Thanks for all of the responses! Lucy was fabulous yesterday, but we were out and about for the first part of the day. I think we're going to have to have some "field trips" this summer to break up the chaos at home. It certainly will be fun for me!!!



New member
It is an adjustment for everyone & basically you do what you have to in order to get thru it. That doesnt mean that you cant work things back to what you prefer when things have calmed down. Its not like you are letting her play in traffic to keep her busy! Dont be so hard on yourself. I am sure you are doing a great job!