Hello everyone, I was wondering if charting really makes a difference in getting pregnant. I have been in a long term relationship for 5 years now and never have been on birth control. We are engaged now and getting things in line to later have a baby. I went to have my (3rd day period test) where they take blood and look at your egg count, everything came back perfect. I am ddf508 but perfectly healthy and not on any meds. I am thinking my genotype is the leading cause to the infertility. He already has a child so I know he is not the reason. Once we are married in a year, shortly after I am going to chart, try musanex, and preseed. Im hoping it will work but seeing as how I havnt been on birth control in 5 years and still nothing, doesn't make me too hopeful. Any suggestions? How you exactly use the musanex? Anything else I can try? Im planning ahead so after we are married, everything is in line and I don't have to play the waiting game for too long.