

New member
Hello everyone, I was wondering if charting really makes a difference in getting pregnant. I have been in a long term relationship for 5 years now and never have been on birth control. We are engaged now and getting things in line to later have a baby. I went to have my (3rd day period test) where they take blood and look at your egg count, everything came back perfect. I am ddf508 but perfectly healthy and not on any meds. I am thinking my genotype is the leading cause to the infertility. He already has a child so I know he is not the reason. Once we are married in a year, shortly after I am going to chart, try musanex, and preseed. Im hoping it will work but seeing as how I havnt been on birth control in 5 years and still nothing, doesn't make me too hopeful. Any suggestions? How you exactly use the musanex? Anything else I can try? Im planning ahead so after we are married, everything is in line and I don't have to play the waiting game for too long.


Hi! IVF and/or IUI has worked great for CF moms having trouble conceiving -- could be the next step if you are having trouble. Good luck!


New member
I think once we make the decision to start really trying, I am going to give the musanex and preseed a 4 month shoot. If that doesn't work I think IUI is the next option. Its crazy that my lungs are healthy, im at a very healthy weight of 150lbs, but I cant conceive. I really think it has something to do with my genotype.
I have been off birth control almost 10 years and have never gotten pregnant. I had my first iui treatment recently, don't know if it worked yet but they had LOTS of trouble with the procedure. Long story short, mucus plug had to be removed by the MD because multiple nurses had problems. So even though you are healthy. The mucus may just be too thick and you don't know it. If you don't have success after four months tell the doctor you have been trying for a year and a half. Doctors who don't know much about CF are still like " keep trying for at least a year, don't try just go home have sex and just enjoy it". I went to the high risk GYN, the doctors cancelled my appts for months finally I saw the head of the department at a level 1 trauma center, teaching hospital. He was useless. I learned most of what I needed to know about iui and ivf from a coworker. I know doctors have a lot more training and education but from my experience they are not very good at giving useful information to patients. They are a dime a dozen in big hospital but finding a really good one is a diamond in the ruff most of the time.

If you have any detailed questions about iui. I may not have all the answers but will tell you what ever I know. You can always shoot me am email. Just write something like CF question in the subject line at