
New member
I'm in Knoxville and have not ever really met anyone else with Cystic Fibrosis besides my brother. If you're interested in IM'ing or talking to me please tell me as I'd like to finally get in touch with someone else just to talk.

Middlemanpower is my AIM screen-name. Hope to talk to you!



New member
I'm in Knoxville and have not ever really met anyone else with Cystic Fibrosis besides my brother. If you're interested in IM'ing or talking to me please tell me as I'd like to finally get in touch with someone else just to talk.

Middlemanpower is my AIM screen-name. Hope to talk to you!



New member
I'm in Knoxville and have not ever really met anyone else with Cystic Fibrosis besides my brother. If you're interested in IM'ing or talking to me please tell me as I'd like to finally get in touch with someone else just to talk.

Middlemanpower is my AIM screen-name. Hope to talk to you!



New member
Okay I can't figure out how to get into the adult chat. When ever I hit Chat it takes me to the 'young people' chat. IS there an adult chat?<br><br>


New member
Okay I can't figure out how to get into the adult chat. When ever I hit Chat it takes me to the 'young people' chat. IS there an adult chat?<br><br>


New member
Okay I can't figure out how to get into the adult chat. When ever I hit Chat it takes me to the 'young people' chat. IS there an adult chat?<br><br>