Check this out


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there is a link on Technogeek 1300 signature to a documentary on 9/11. Check it out....its quite frightening.


New member

If you go to tecknogreeks link, you can go to one of his posts such as "me" under teenagers and click on the link at the end of his post it has info on 911. It is long, but makes you think



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Here I be........

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


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That's funny because when I was watching the video for the second time with my husband I got kind of scared that the CIA/government would know I was watching this................spooky..............


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When Austin was telling me about Loose Change...the 9/11 video...I kept telling him to SHUT THE H*LL UP. I didn't want to hear it. I thought it was a load of crap and I was so angry at him for spewing that hate.

Well I was so sick of hearing it that I finally broke down and watched it, just so he would leave me alone. I cried through the whole thing. I couldn't believe it. I DO believe it though...and that saddens me. All those lives lost. Such a tragedy.


New member
i was in shock<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0"> after watching this. 2 think that our own government would do this to us, i can't even begin to imagine what else they are capable of. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


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I have a hard time believing this whole thing was orchestrated and pulled off without it getting out.Which is exactly what everyone is supposed to think.All the evidence is gone.The biggest trick would be somehow faking the calls(though remember a lot of the tapes were just recently released due to "varification")I really hate they made a movie on flight 93 based on phone calls and i don't even think they recovered a black box.If i were planning something this big,a plane going down because some brave people found out what was going on and decided to stop it is just the thing i would do to distract or keep people occupied.I mean,it all seems to fit in a nice little package when looked at from a far enough distance.They say they knew plans to do what happened were known,they just didn't know when.But you would think they'd have a plan to respond once they got wind of it going down and yet it took them forever to do anything.And i'd like to speak to a real pilot to see how hard it would be for someone who only has simulator experience to crash into a target.Especially the pentagon one.

And another thing i think about is that maybe some of these conspiracy theories were put out by the government themselves.If you go out and get some guy to start making a big case but make sure he says some stuff that's totally off the wall or can be proven wrong by people outside the govt.,then the whole "theory" can be rejected.Get a few of these types of deals out there and soon everyone will stop even questioning them.I mean really,how many conspiracy type people seem crazy to you?Is that maybe the point??The point is it takes someone to keep pushing to get to the truth,someone who can get to the right official people and i'm sure they would have to break a few laws in their search.This kind of person would be considered an outsider by the majority more than likely,thought to be one who "goes against the grain",thus even harder to take seriously.And how close do you think they would get to the truth anyway?Something this big???You'd be taken out in a heartbeat.

Eh,like i said,i doubt it was fixed,but one should always be open to the possibility even it's very unlikely and speculating about it wildly is not the way to go.It also does not lead to a healthy country.What does it say when a good amount of your people are even debating the reality of this situation?There's alot of confusion these past years and some very antsy people.We may be on the brink of ww3 if things continue,and no one wants anymore of that nonsense.At least not a peace-loving person.
Sorry<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">i didn't mean to go on so long,i have a problem with keeping my thoughts short.I'm not a troublemaker,i swear!!

...Also all my paragraphs got combined<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


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Because people are hushed about it in the mainstream. You know, the new telephone wire tapping stuff going on (which is FAR from new). It's ironic, Mark was just having a discussion like this on one of his online sites.

The thing he and I both agree on about the crash into the world trade center is that talk to any HONEST structrual engineer. They will tell you that the way the trade center collapsed and the melting of the structural beams was impossible from the airplane crash alone. The type of steel that was used in the construction of the building would not be melted by jet fuel alone, jet fuel does not burn at a high enough temp to melt/ even buckle the steel in this PARTICULAR building. There was some assistance placed...

Also, have you tried to call someone on your cell from the airplane? It doesn't work, not at all.

Anyone ever studied Hitler in College? Read about how his own people were set up by their government to start war? I say this is just a repeat in history.

My opinion about this anyways.