Chest Pain


New member
My sister eats oranges (or any citrus) she said the acid helps her. You think it would do just the opposite but it helps her. Might want to try it.
Hope your pain goes away ASAP!

29 F CF


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>coltsfan715</b></i>

Also wanted to add - I was told by my docs that most often fatty/greasy foods will bring on a gallstone attack. Maybe something to think of if you are having alot of these after eating a really heavy, fatty, greasy meals like McDs.

Take Care,

Lindsey</end quote></div>

Ewwwwwwwwwww i had McDs today and i'm regretting it. And yes spicey and greasy foods give me heartburn as well, so avoid them. Usually what works for me is to drink milk while, or after i've eaten that stuff, and it seems to work. Pop and chips at the same time = a really crappy miserable night for my esophagus. FEEL BETTER


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>coltsfan715</b></i>

Also wanted to add - I was told by my docs that most often fatty/greasy foods will bring on a gallstone attack. Maybe something to think of if you are having alot of these after eating a really heavy, fatty, greasy meals like McDs.

Take Care,

Lindsey</end quote></div>

Ewwwwwwwwwww i had McDs today and i'm regretting it. And yes spicey and greasy foods give me heartburn as well, so avoid them. Usually what works for me is to drink milk while, or after i've eaten that stuff, and it seems to work. Pop and chips at the same time = a really crappy miserable night for my esophagus. FEEL BETTER


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>coltsfan715</b></i>

Also wanted to add - I was told by my docs that most often fatty/greasy foods will bring on a gallstone attack. Maybe something to think of if you are having alot of these after eating a really heavy, fatty, greasy meals like McDs.

Take Care,

Lindsey</end quote></div>

Ewwwwwwwwwww i had McDs today and i'm regretting it. And yes spicey and greasy foods give me heartburn as well, so avoid them. Usually what works for me is to drink milk while, or after i've eaten that stuff, and it seems to work. Pop and chips at the same time = a really crappy miserable night for my esophagus. FEEL BETTER


I went to the CF doc and he said it's not pneumonia. He seems to think that it might have been some bronkial thing or I pulled a muscle from coughing so hard and sooooo much. All is ok for now.


I went to the CF doc and he said it's not pneumonia. He seems to think that it might have been some bronkial thing or I pulled a muscle from coughing so hard and sooooo much. All is ok for now.


I went to the CF doc and he said it's not pneumonia. He seems to think that it might have been some bronkial thing or I pulled a muscle from coughing so hard and sooooo much. All is ok for now.


New member

Describe how the pain starts and how it spreads. Does it start out fairly mild in the middle of your chest at the base of the sternum and seem to spread outward as it gets worse? Or is it immediately bad all over?

I have had similar symptoms and it can be easily dealt with once you understand what it is.

Hope things are better tonight!!


PeterC 58/cf


New member

Describe how the pain starts and how it spreads. Does it start out fairly mild in the middle of your chest at the base of the sternum and seem to spread outward as it gets worse? Or is it immediately bad all over?

I have had similar symptoms and it can be easily dealt with once you understand what it is.

Hope things are better tonight!!


PeterC 58/cf


New member

Describe how the pain starts and how it spreads. Does it start out fairly mild in the middle of your chest at the base of the sternum and seem to spread outward as it gets worse? Or is it immediately bad all over?

I have had similar symptoms and it can be easily dealt with once you understand what it is.

Hope things are better tonight!!


PeterC 58/cf