Child life Intern - would like your help/advice/thoughts


New member
hi there
ive struggled to find motivation for keeping up with my illness and hav even given up on it from time to time but ive always found my way back. my most resent slip in motivation happened just recently and it took tough love from ppl on this site to bring me back.
plus i can see in my parents faces how sad they get and how worried they become when i get sick and i hate that look on their face
i guess to summerise what im saying is it takes a lot of love and care and as long as i know that i have friends and family and ppl who love and are fighting for me and with me ill make myself push thru.
it also takes A LOT of patience and maturity to get thru this illness

hope i helped a least a little bit feel free to msg me if their are any other questions


New member
hi there
ive struggled to find motivation for keeping up with my illness and hav even given up on it from time to time but ive always found my way back. my most resent slip in motivation happened just recently and it took tough love from ppl on this site to bring me back.
plus i can see in my parents faces how sad they get and how worried they become when i get sick and i hate that look on their face
i guess to summerise what im saying is it takes a lot of love and care and as long as i know that i have friends and family and ppl who love and are fighting for me and with me ill make myself push thru.
it also takes A LOT of patience and maturity to get thru this illness

hope i helped a least a little bit feel free to msg me if their are any other questions


New member
hi there
ive struggled to find motivation for keeping up with my illness and hav even given up on it from time to time but ive always found my way back. my most resent slip in motivation happened just recently and it took tough love from ppl on this site to bring me back.
plus i can see in my parents faces how sad they get and how worried they become when i get sick and i hate that look on their face
i guess to summerise what im saying is it takes a lot of love and care and as long as i know that i have friends and family and ppl who love and are fighting for me and with me ill make myself push thru.
it also takes A LOT of patience and maturity to get thru this illness

hope i helped a least a little bit feel free to msg me if their are any other questions


New member
hi there
ive struggled to find motivation for keeping up with my illness and hav even given up on it from time to time but ive always found my way back. my most resent slip in motivation happened just recently and it took tough love from ppl on this site to bring me back.
plus i can see in my parents faces how sad they get and how worried they become when i get sick and i hate that look on their face
i guess to summerise what im saying is it takes a lot of love and care and as long as i know that i have friends and family and ppl who love and are fighting for me and with me ill make myself push thru.
it also takes A LOT of patience and maturity to get thru this illness

hope i helped a least a little bit feel free to msg me if their are any other questions


New member
hi there
<br />ive struggled to find motivation for keeping up with my illness and hav even given up on it from time to time but ive always found my way back. my most resent slip in motivation happened just recently and it took tough love from ppl on this site to bring me back.
<br />plus i can see in my parents faces how sad they get and how worried they become when i get sick and i hate that look on their face
<br />i guess to summerise what im saying is it takes a lot of love and care and as long as i know that i have friends and family and ppl who love and are fighting for me and with me ill make myself push thru.
<br />it also takes A LOT of patience and maturity to get thru this illness
<br />
<br />hope i helped a least a little bit feel free to msg me if their are any other questions


New member
what motivates me to keep doing all my meds.. well the thought if i dont do them i wont be here for my family that scares me. and my boyfriend.soon to be fiancee. keeps me doing them.

its not easy to do everyday and alot of the time you feel like crapp is this all im going to be worth. but i try not to let it get to me. i tend to think alot of people out there have it way worse than me. and god doesnt give you something he know you wouldnt be able to deal with. he knows your limits. and if you werent strong enough for CF then he wouldnt have givin it to you.. iv used me haing cf as a learning expearince. i dont let it get me down to much. also having CF you know your life wont be as long as everyone eles so some live it up more. and others it just scares the crapp outta them. but im proud to say i have cf.. =) i wouldnt have it any other way.. i am who i am today cause i have learned alot and tought alot about this illness.. if there is anything eles you would like to know my email is
id be happy to help you with any questions.


New member
what motivates me to keep doing all my meds.. well the thought if i dont do them i wont be here for my family that scares me. and my boyfriend.soon to be fiancee. keeps me doing them.

its not easy to do everyday and alot of the time you feel like crapp is this all im going to be worth. but i try not to let it get to me. i tend to think alot of people out there have it way worse than me. and god doesnt give you something he know you wouldnt be able to deal with. he knows your limits. and if you werent strong enough for CF then he wouldnt have givin it to you.. iv used me haing cf as a learning expearince. i dont let it get me down to much. also having CF you know your life wont be as long as everyone eles so some live it up more. and others it just scares the crapp outta them. but im proud to say i have cf.. =) i wouldnt have it any other way.. i am who i am today cause i have learned alot and tought alot about this illness.. if there is anything eles you would like to know my email is
id be happy to help you with any questions.


New member
what motivates me to keep doing all my meds.. well the thought if i dont do them i wont be here for my family that scares me. and my boyfriend.soon to be fiancee. keeps me doing them.
<br />
<br />its not easy to do everyday and alot of the time you feel like crapp is this all im going to be worth. but i try not to let it get to me. i tend to think alot of people out there have it way worse than me. and god doesnt give you something he know you wouldnt be able to deal with. he knows your limits. and if you werent strong enough for CF then he wouldnt have givin it to you.. iv used me haing cf as a learning expearince. i dont let it get me down to much. also having CF you know your life wont be as long as everyone eles so some live it up more. and others it just scares the crapp outta them. but im proud to say i have cf.. =) i wouldnt have it any other way.. i am who i am today cause i have learned alot and tought alot about this illness.. if there is anything eles you would like to know my email is
<br />id be happy to help you with any questions.