Child Watch


New member
They want me to sign a form just for Grayson since she has CF. I would prefer not to sign anything. I wouldn't hold them liable if she would get sick. I think i may try it out tonight since her sisters will be in the room prior to their dance class. Both of my older girls are very aware of what is safe for grayson. My husband watches her a few nites a week to i can do some running. But not all my other kids activities are at the ymca. We have gymnastics at another place, and girl scouts at another. So most of my free time would be during the morning/day time.


New member
They want me to sign a form just for Grayson since she has CF. I would prefer not to sign anything. I wouldn't hold them liable if she would get sick. I think i may try it out tonight since her sisters will be in the room prior to their dance class. Both of my older girls are very aware of what is safe for grayson. My husband watches her a few nites a week to i can do some running. But not all my other kids activities are at the ymca. We have gymnastics at another place, and girl scouts at another. So most of my free time would be during the morning/day time.


New member
They want me to sign a form just for Grayson since she has CF. I would prefer not to sign anything. I wouldn't hold them liable if she would get sick. I think i may try it out tonight since her sisters will be in the room prior to their dance class. Both of my older girls are very aware of what is safe for grayson. My husband watches her a few nites a week to i can do some running. But not all my other kids activities are at the ymca. We have gymnastics at another place, and girl scouts at another. So most of my free time would be during the morning/day time.


New member
They want me to sign a form just for Grayson since she has CF. I would prefer not to sign anything. I wouldn't hold them liable if she would get sick. I think i may try it out tonight since her sisters will be in the room prior to their dance class. Both of my older girls are very aware of what is safe for grayson. My husband watches her a few nites a week to i can do some running. But not all my other kids activities are at the ymca. We have gymnastics at another place, and girl scouts at another. So most of my free time would be during the morning/day time.


New member
They want me to sign a form just for Grayson since she has CF. I would prefer not to sign anything. I wouldn't hold them liable if she would get sick. I think i may try it out tonight since her sisters will be in the room prior to their dance class. Both of my older girls are very aware of what is safe for grayson. My husband watches her a few nites a week to i can do some running. But not all my other kids activities are at the ymca. We have gymnastics at another place, and girl scouts at another. So most of my free time would be during the morning/day time.


Staff member
I imagine like all child care programs, they probably receive funding, grants from the state and are monitored by the local social service agency in terms of licensing... So I don't believe they can single you out like this in terms of ADA requirements?!


Staff member
I imagine like all child care programs, they probably receive funding, grants from the state and are monitored by the local social service agency in terms of licensing... So I don't believe they can single you out like this in terms of ADA requirements?!


Staff member
I imagine like all child care programs, they probably receive funding, grants from the state and are monitored by the local social service agency in terms of licensing... So I don't believe they can single you out like this in terms of ADA requirements?!


Staff member
I imagine like all child care programs, they probably receive funding, grants from the state and are monitored by the local social service agency in terms of licensing... So I don't believe they can single you out like this in terms of ADA requirements?!


Staff member
I imagine like all child care programs, they probably receive funding, grants from the state and are monitored by the local social service agency in terms of licensing... So I don't believe they can single you out like this in terms of ADA requirements?!


New member
I think, as with everything, you have to balance protecting your child with having as normal of a family life as possible. There are risks involved, sure, but I think you outweigh the risk with the benefit--it sounds like you could sure use the break! I am not sure about signing the form. They are going to be liable if a child is hurt as a direct result of their negligence, but that would be true for any child. Maybe they just need to be educated a little more about CF? Maybe make up your own form and have them sign it!


New member
I think, as with everything, you have to balance protecting your child with having as normal of a family life as possible. There are risks involved, sure, but I think you outweigh the risk with the benefit--it sounds like you could sure use the break! I am not sure about signing the form. They are going to be liable if a child is hurt as a direct result of their negligence, but that would be true for any child. Maybe they just need to be educated a little more about CF? Maybe make up your own form and have them sign it!


New member
I think, as with everything, you have to balance protecting your child with having as normal of a family life as possible. There are risks involved, sure, but I think you outweigh the risk with the benefit--it sounds like you could sure use the break! I am not sure about signing the form. They are going to be liable if a child is hurt as a direct result of their negligence, but that would be true for any child. Maybe they just need to be educated a little more about CF? Maybe make up your own form and have them sign it!


New member
I think, as with everything, you have to balance protecting your child with having as normal of a family life as possible. There are risks involved, sure, but I think you outweigh the risk with the benefit--it sounds like you could sure use the break! I am not sure about signing the form. They are going to be liable if a child is hurt as a direct result of their negligence, but that would be true for any child. Maybe they just need to be educated a little more about CF? Maybe make up your own form and have them sign it!


New member
I think, as with everything, you have to balance protecting your child with having as normal of a family life as possible. There are risks involved, sure, but I think you outweigh the risk with the benefit--it sounds like you could sure use the break! I am not sure about signing the form. They are going to be liable if a child is hurt as a direct result of their negligence, but that would be true for any child. Maybe they just need to be educated a little more about CF? Maybe make up your own form and have them sign it!


I agree that you do need a break and that Graycie has been pretty healthly this winter except for her ear infections. The only thing I would be concerned about is that she is always putting stuff in her mouth. I mean sometimes she is just plain ole nasty. LOL She licks windows, floors, people etc.....if you can keep her paci in her mouth I think she would do just fine. I also think that they should not be able to single out Graycie for any reason. Do they do that for any other disability? If not, no flippin way would I sign anything that they wrote out. Write out something yourself educating them about CF. Include that they need to inform you if any child left in their care is sick or has a fever. Ask to have a meeting with the child watch personal. Let them ask questions. Who is suppose to be writing up this letter you are suppose to sign anyway? A lawyer? And who decides which children are singled out to have to have a letter? Who keeps this letter? Is this letter used or shown to anyone else for any other reasons? I don't like it. I guess this just doesn't sit well with me. A letter from you works for me. Just tell them its against the HEPA law. Call me. Love you!


I agree that you do need a break and that Graycie has been pretty healthly this winter except for her ear infections. The only thing I would be concerned about is that she is always putting stuff in her mouth. I mean sometimes she is just plain ole nasty. LOL She licks windows, floors, people etc.....if you can keep her paci in her mouth I think she would do just fine. I also think that they should not be able to single out Graycie for any reason. Do they do that for any other disability? If not, no flippin way would I sign anything that they wrote out. Write out something yourself educating them about CF. Include that they need to inform you if any child left in their care is sick or has a fever. Ask to have a meeting with the child watch personal. Let them ask questions. Who is suppose to be writing up this letter you are suppose to sign anyway? A lawyer? And who decides which children are singled out to have to have a letter? Who keeps this letter? Is this letter used or shown to anyone else for any other reasons? I don't like it. I guess this just doesn't sit well with me. A letter from you works for me. Just tell them its against the HEPA law. Call me. Love you!


I agree that you do need a break and that Graycie has been pretty healthly this winter except for her ear infections. The only thing I would be concerned about is that she is always putting stuff in her mouth. I mean sometimes she is just plain ole nasty. LOL She licks windows, floors, people etc.....if you can keep her paci in her mouth I think she would do just fine. I also think that they should not be able to single out Graycie for any reason. Do they do that for any other disability? If not, no flippin way would I sign anything that they wrote out. Write out something yourself educating them about CF. Include that they need to inform you if any child left in their care is sick or has a fever. Ask to have a meeting with the child watch personal. Let them ask questions. Who is suppose to be writing up this letter you are suppose to sign anyway? A lawyer? And who decides which children are singled out to have to have a letter? Who keeps this letter? Is this letter used or shown to anyone else for any other reasons? I don't like it. I guess this just doesn't sit well with me. A letter from you works for me. Just tell them its against the HEPA law. Call me. Love you!


I agree that you do need a break and that Graycie has been pretty healthly this winter except for her ear infections. The only thing I would be concerned about is that she is always putting stuff in her mouth. I mean sometimes she is just plain ole nasty. LOL She licks windows, floors, people etc.....if you can keep her paci in her mouth I think she would do just fine. I also think that they should not be able to single out Graycie for any reason. Do they do that for any other disability? If not, no flippin way would I sign anything that they wrote out. Write out something yourself educating them about CF. Include that they need to inform you if any child left in their care is sick or has a fever. Ask to have a meeting with the child watch personal. Let them ask questions. Who is suppose to be writing up this letter you are suppose to sign anyway? A lawyer? And who decides which children are singled out to have to have a letter? Who keeps this letter? Is this letter used or shown to anyone else for any other reasons? I don't like it. I guess this just doesn't sit well with me. A letter from you works for me. Just tell them its against the HEPA law. Call me. Love you!


I agree that you do need a break and that Graycie has been pretty healthly this winter except for her ear infections. The only thing I would be concerned about is that she is always putting stuff in her mouth. I mean sometimes she is just plain ole nasty. LOL She licks windows, floors, people etc.....if you can keep her paci in her mouth I think she would do just fine. I also think that they should not be able to single out Graycie for any reason. Do they do that for any other disability? If not, no flippin way would I sign anything that they wrote out. Write out something yourself educating them about CF. Include that they need to inform you if any child left in their care is sick or has a fever. Ask to have a meeting with the child watch personal. Let them ask questions. Who is suppose to be writing up this letter you are suppose to sign anyway? A lawyer? And who decides which children are singled out to have to have a letter? Who keeps this letter? Is this letter used or shown to anyone else for any other reasons? I don't like it. I guess this just doesn't sit well with me. A letter from you works for me. Just tell them its against the HEPA law. Call me. Love you!