Children taking kalydeco



Hello! I'm just finishing up my great strides letter and wanted to add a quote from someone who is taking kalydeco. Ideally, a quote from a child, as I thought it would make it very easy for those reading our letter to relate it to my daughter. I wanted a little inspirational snippet from someone whose life has been changed by kalydeco.



Hello! I'm just finishing up my great strides letter and wanted to add a quote from someone who is taking kalydeco. Ideally, a quote from a child, as I thought it would make it very easy for those reading our letter to relate it to my daughter. I wanted a little inspirational snippet from someone whose life has been changed by kalydeco.



New member
You might read some of the stories about kalydeco. Maybe you could find a quote in one of those. Have you seen the video on the CFF youtube page. It one an award, though it's an adult in the video that is on the medication. The video is very powerful.


New member
You might read some of the stories about kalydeco. Maybe you could find a quote in one of those. Have you seen the video on the CFF youtube page. It one an award, though it's an adult in the video that is on the medication. The video is very powerful.