Chiropractic care


New member
One of our friends is studying to be a chiropractor and said that regular adjustments may help our son with his digestion. I am very aware and not foolish enough to believe it will cure CF in any fashion. I hate those people that claim something is going to CURE my child. I love my adjustments and don't think it will hurt. However, he is subjected to so many treatments as it is I would hate to subject him to one more thing if people haven't seen any changes with the adjustments. Anyone have any experience with this?


New member
I know for a while that chiropractic care did help my daughter with her digestion and breathing, but the help only lasted about 6 or so months and then it became less effective. But atleast it gave her a little bit of a break for a while.


New member
In general I am pro chiropractic. I have seen the benefits of adjustments. Yes, you are correct - it cannot cure CF but it can give the same assistance to a CF body as it does to a non-CF body. I would talk directly to your chiropractor about it - if he/she is well educated and experienced they should be able to tell you how they think chiropractic treatments can or cannot help your son.