I love the chiropractor. I have had sinus infections clear up after realigning my neck. Now, a good chiropractor (just like a good doctor) will not promise you a cure-all. My chiropractor put it this way: If a misalignment is causing illness, aligning it will cure it. If something else is causing it, but a misalignment is preventing it from healing, then aligning it will allow other treatments or the body to heal the root cause. If you do not have a misalignment affecting your health then alignment will most probably not help you. So, all that to say, check it out. Try it. If there are misalignments in the body, they are best addressed sooner (younger) when the muscles have least learned to hold the spine in that position. Pain is the LAST indicator of a problem. Also, a problem anywhere in the spine can cause the vertebrae above it to compensate, so you end up with multiple issues stemming from one major trauma or event. Can't hurt to check it out. My sciatica was also greatly helped through chiropractic adjustment.Sinuses and ear infections are biggies that can be helped through chiropractic adjustment. My husband watched one of my adjustments and could see what she was talking about with the leg length and what "challenges" corrected or worsened the imbalance. So, I don't think it is malarkey. It may have been that the previous anonymous poster didn't have a mislignment that needed treatment.