I had chiropractic adjustments fairly frequently, pre-transplant.
Since I drove a truck for a living, it seemed to help me. Driving for 12-14 hours a day, 5 days a week, is rough on your body.
My back & hips were bugging me quite a bit & chiropractic seemed to help.
It also depends on who is doing the manipulation.
My chiropractor was a small, petite lady with a very gentle touch.
I would never have a mn as my chiropractor. It seems like they 'man-handle' you to me.
I don't know if chiropractic helped my breathing, but as goes the back, so goes the rest of the body.
If your skeletal system is feeling good it is just natural that the rest of you will follow.
I was told by my Trans team that I am under no circumstance to see a chiropractor post-trans. I've had too many surgeries and if I was manipulated now, it would do more harm than good.
I do treat myself to a massage sometimes. As long as the maseusse is aware of your medical past. I highly reccomend the massage for all you that have had a transplant.
Take care, hope y'all are well, 'Pat'.