
New member
Ok - this is probably a silly question but is it best to not have a real x-mas tree if you have a child with CF? Thanks...

From an overprotective mother....


New member
I've had a real Christmas tree in my house every year of my life. It never created a problem for me, and I don't see why it would. Evergreens are different from every day plants and flowers. Unless you have allergies, regular flowers don't do anything either. My mother always likes having flowers around, and I used to help her garden every spring. Half of the enjoyment of a Christmas tree comes from the way it leaves your house smelling. I say, go for it and get a real one. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm with Emily. I have never had a problem with a real xmas tree in the house. In fact, I favor a real one over a fake one


New member
We've always had real Christmas trees. Our son, now 4, was diagnosed at age 3. He's never had any problem with the tree. He also does not struggle with allergies or asthma. Last year, our first year of knowing about his CF, we still went forward with the real tree and are getting another real tree this year. I think it just depends on your individual child's situation. If he/she has a lot of problems with asthma or allergies, you might want to avoid the real deal.



New member
I would ask your Dr. on this one.
My logic would say it should be OK as long as no one has allergies to the tree.
If the Dr says anything other than what's been shared, let us know. I'd be curious to know what a medical opinion is on this. Thanks


New member
We used to get real trees without any problem. A few years back, we had a lot of problems with all of our allergies including my son with cf. It turned out that he wasn't allegic to the tree, but some type of spore(?) that grew on the tree because we had such a wet season. As it turns out, my older son without cf had a pretty severe reaction that year - so since we have gotten an artificial tree. We seem to juggle a lot of allergic/r.a.d. reactions and we try to eliminate easy variables. I think it is just another one of those family/household choice we each need to make based on our own situation. Best wishes! Jo Ann


New member
Hi, An allergist years ago told us people who are allergic to mold are better off with artificial Christmas trees. <img src="i/expressions/present.gif" border="0">
im not saying im right or wrong,

im sure you can have a real xmas tree coz ive had one without any problems, its like can cf people have plants or flowers in there homes really, its your home and have it how you like, but dont make the cf child ill ok