

New member

Congrats on quitting!!!

My hubby and I quit on Feb. 1. IT IS THE HARDEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE!

What gets me the most is I am such a control freak, I like to control EVERYTHING, but ciggerettes seem to control me.

I think smokers are like alcoholics, once a smoker, always a just have to take it day by day.

I started smoking at the age of 14 because I thought it was "cool". It was the biggest mistake of my life!!



New member
OK The original ??? was if any CFers smoked cigarettes. My answer is YES. When I was about 16/17 I smoked when I drank. I thought it was cool. I mean if I could sit at a bar underage then of course smoking had to go with it. I preferred Menthols. I liked the cool feeling it gave to my chest. I would also take a big drag & gulped scotch & water down. The double wammy high......that stupidity didnt last long. I did grow up around smokers. My Mom to this day smokes right in front of me (chain smoker to top it off) & gets irritated (guilty more like it) when I get up & move away. My first & current husbands were smokers as well as other family members & friends. It didnt phase me for years because I was constantly in the environment. It wasnt until I was out of it (between husbands) that I breathed clean air & knew what I had been missing. Now the smell alone makes me gag never mind breathing it in. I think it is a nasty habit not to mention the health problems linked to it. I dont like my loved ones doing it, but I dont harp on them. I will say I dont approve, but as far as showing judgement on this forum about it. Hell I dont have much room to talk about many things when it comes to self care. To each his own, right or wrong. Adults are adults. Kids might be a different story tho I personally think just like each adult, you will have each kid that will make choices responsibly or cave into some type of pressure!


New member
In answering your question, no, I have never smoked....both my parents never smoked which I think was a good thing because maybe I might have been more tempted to try it. I think everyone goes through a period of experimentation whether it be cigarettes, alcohol or some other high risk activity. I am extremely glad I didn't decide to brother and his wife with three children all smoke, I don't visit that home because there is this everlasting cloud in their house. But, it is their decision.
I run a group with the majority of people who have COPD (emphysema, chronic bronchitis...) that developed their condition as a result of years of smoking (don't get me wrong, there are those who developed these conditions due to hereditary factors or occupational exposure for instance, so not all COPD'ers are smokers). Some have quit, but others still continue to smoke. Most of those who are smoking are trying to quit, but it is so hard for them. I understand that and give them encouragement with each milestone they reach, not matter how small. It has got to be one of the hardest things to give up, as a non smoker, I understand that and feel their frustration in their posts even though I personally have never experienced what they are going through at that point in time. But, I know I can be there for them.
You are right, sometimes it is hard not to judge people, but we do and I have to remind myself that I am not in their shoes, I am there for anyone who needs the support and I try to remain objective.
Ultimately as many others have said as well, it is the individual's preference, as long as that person doesn't light up in front of me, then I don't say anything about it....I don't do well with the smell of cigarettes, I get bronchospastic and my lungs are already very fragile.
Hugs, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I smoked for nearly 20 years. I just found out a little over a year ago that I had CF when I was hospitalized for a multi-lobe pneumonia. I always had chronic lung problems my entire life, but my parents smoked, my friends smoked, my co-workers smoked, so therefore to "participate", I smoked.

I have to say that I really did enjoy it except for the smell. It definitely had a calming effect on me.

While I have now been smoke-free for over a year, I do still "dream smoke", but my lung function is so bad now that even if I go into a place where smoking is allowed, I find it difficult to breath. I know that my smoking contributed a LOT to my lung function to those of you who still smoke, I'm not judging at all, but I will leave you with the warning to "watch out - the damage sneaks up on you and crashes down on you suddenly".

37 w/CF
(forgot to login)


New member
I have never smoked cigarrettes. Both my parents smoked when I was little, before they knew how bad it was for me. They quit when I was about 6 or so. Now that i don't live at home my dad smokes on occassion but not around me.

However, I have always suspected had I not had CF I would have been a smoker, I don't know why I think that but I do. I do smoke pot on ocassion.

Kiel, you go boy. Sorry forum people, health aside it's your life your decision and I agree 100% it's not always about the FIGHT, sometimes it's about living and I don't think any of us will ever regret our choice to live our life the way we want.

Also, while I agree that when we post we can expect people to disagree and judge I think in the sense of trying to keep things civil and on a non-emotional level we should try to keep from terms like "shame shame", "shame on you", or say "are you an idiot?" All terms we've seen. Agree disagree, be an adult about it, we are in the adult forum, which brings me to another point, do I need to worry about setting an example for children in the "adult" forum? I never wanted to be a role model or have my own wheaties box. I don't think I'll be sensoring my thoughts for the kiddie crowd. And CF kids are pretty smart anyway. we/they have to deal with a lot of grown up issues very early, I don't think most would be swayed to smoking by a forum thread, unless they were looking for an excuse to do so anyway.


New member
CONGRATS to you too Seana!!
It is the hardest thing, but it does get so much easier as time passes.

I for one do not believe for one second that cigarettes make you calmer. I think that is just plain false.

And it certainely wouldn't be something you would offer ANYONE who was feeling stressed. Like if your friend was going through a divorce and very upset you wouldn't recommend she/he start smoking, that would just be crazy.

The truth is a nicotine addict needs cigarettes when they become stressed in order to feel normal, like how most people who don't smoke would feel without a cigarette.

When a smoker becomes stressed, for instance if someone hit their car in a parking lot, the anger rush, or adrenaline rush, would cause their nicotine level to drop, immediately putting them into withdraw, thus requiring they get nicotine into their blood promptly to feel "normal". Which is exactly how a non-smoker would feel in that situation. And god forbid you don't have a cigarette available, then you could absolutely NOT handle the situation rationally. It's a very deceiving drug, one must fully understand that before even trying to quit. Knowledge is power :)

I really regret ever starting, I was very young, like 15 and I just didn't get it.

For any smoker interested in quitting I found a great website that helped me tremendously and made this so much easier. (kinda graphic, but smokers need the truth)


New member
I smoke like a train, a steam one, not an electric one....that would be silly, electric trains don't smoke...if they did i wouldn't get on it.

but i don't smoke ANYWHERE near my partner...(she has CF) I chew mints.



New member
this was me that posted this topic, i forgot to log in<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> , i did not expect to get this many replies when i posted this question. but i am glad to hear everyone's veiws.
the reason i was asking is b/c one: i saw the post on pot and two: i have been a smoker for like 2 years, but i have been trying to quit b/c i know how bad it is not only for me but for everyone that smokes. both my parents have been heavy smokers my whole life and always smoked around me so i never really thought of it as a big deal. but i am trying to get back on track so i can stay healthy that is why i am quiting.
every one has there own opinion on this subject. i myself think it is wrong for anyone to smoke, even though i myslef smoked for a while. but at the same time everyone is goin to die sooner or later so why not live your life the way you want???

keep the posts coming!
thanks<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">