Cipro and Bowel Movements


New member
Same here, it does pass after a few days, but it is never pleasant.

I'm not really sure if they've done any good, but I usually end up taking a couple of TUMS. For a more natural remedy try some Peppermint, Apple Peels (they are packed with Pectin, which is a prime ingredient in over the counter medications to help add bulk to stools. AVOID juice, it softens stools) and just about any kind of Tea (preferably Green) helps with diarrhea.


New member
Same here, it does pass after a few days, but it is never pleasant.

I'm not really sure if they've done any good, but I usually end up taking a couple of TUMS. For a more natural remedy try some Peppermint, Apple Peels (they are packed with Pectin, which is a prime ingredient in over the counter medications to help add bulk to stools. AVOID juice, it softens stools) and just about any kind of Tea (preferably Green) helps with diarrhea.


New member
Same here, it does pass after a few days, but it is never pleasant.

I'm not really sure if they've done any good, but I usually end up taking a couple of TUMS. For a more natural remedy try some Peppermint, Apple Peels (they are packed with Pectin, which is a prime ingredient in over the counter medications to help add bulk to stools. AVOID juice, it softens stools) and just about any kind of Tea (preferably Green) helps with diarrhea.


New member
Same here, it does pass after a few days, but it is never pleasant.

I'm not really sure if they've done any good, but I usually end up taking a couple of TUMS. For a more natural remedy try some Peppermint, Apple Peels (they are packed with Pectin, which is a prime ingredient in over the counter medications to help add bulk to stools. AVOID juice, it softens stools) and just about any kind of Tea (preferably Green) helps with diarrhea.


New member
Same here, it does pass after a few days, but it is never pleasant.
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<br />I'm not really sure if they've done any good, but I usually end up taking a couple of TUMS. For a more natural remedy try some Peppermint, Apple Peels (they are packed with Pectin, which is a prime ingredient in over the counter medications to help add bulk to stools. AVOID juice, it softens stools) and just about any kind of Tea (preferably Green) helps with diarrhea.