Cipro making me sick


New member
hey guys.
I went to the doc Thursday and he put me on a 2 week regimen of Cipro or an infection he thinks I am developing. No problem I have taken it before and been fine.

Well this time I feel horrible. I felt great Thursday when I went to the doc now I feel I have taken a turn for the worse lol. I know it is the side effects of the medicine, but was wondering what others do to help with side effects. I am getting horrible headaches - where it feels like the sides of my head and my eyes are going to explode. I have tried tylenol and it alleviates the problem temporarily. Also I have had constant nausea and urge to vomit since yesterday afternoon. The thought of eating is making me sick also because I feel so bad and want to throw up - my appetite has decreased but not because I am sick just because of this side effect. I have been drinking water with the med - but don't know what to do to help with the nausea. I have also been extremely tired this afternoon - I slept about 9 hours last night then took a 2 hour nap this afternoon and could honestly probably lay down again if I had the time. I am 99% sure these are because of the Cipro, I felt GREAT on Thursday and have developed these feelings in the last 24 hours - I have been on Cipro for about 48 hours now.

I can handle the headaches though unpleasant and even being sleepy, but I just can't stand my stomach feeling this way. Any body have any advice or have this problem when they take Cipro - if so how do you handle it?



New member
Try a huge bowl of real good chicken noodle soup. Also (and yes I know alcohol decreases antibiotics effectiveness) try an ice cold bottle of the darkest beer you can get your hands on, if you don't like dark beer, try something in between like an ice cold killians red. In the past whenever I had weird side effects to medication, a big ice cold beer always did the trick.


New member
Lindsey - I sympathize. I usually always tolerate Cipro, but when my doc put me on it last month, it made me horribly ill. I had no appetite, I was nausious everyday, bad headaches, etc. I found taking it after I ate helped a bit, and just eating light stuff made me feel a little better i.e. toast, rice.


New member
Thanks for the tips. Now that you mention it taking it around meals may be what I did before. My doc for some reason told me not to take it with food this time around - something about it doesn't fully absorb if I take it with food - so I have been taking it on an empty stomach. I will try taking it after dinner tonight and see if that helps.



New member
I have always been told/read don't eat anything with Calcium within
a couple hours before or after taking Cipro as it binds to the
drug and it is not effective.   I assume you are drinking
lots of water as well? This may help.<br>


New member
Just wanted to say thank you to Liz. I did feel better when I ate shortly before. The nausea actually subsided for an hour or so. It is now just coming in waves. I can handle that though versus the constant sick feeling.
I don't take antacids or calcium pills so I know that was not the problem and I try not to drink milk that often unless I am really badly craving it when I am on Cipro. I am going to up my intake of water and see if that helps too.

Thanks again guys. Normally I try to just test things out to see what helps but I felt really crummy earlier - I didn't even want to get up and out of bed where I had been practically all day lol - so I figured I would ask here for ideas and I am glad I did.

Thanks again


New member
This is an odd question but is your cipro the brand name cipro or the generic? I have taken cipro a lot in the past and last year my pharmacy gave me the generic brand and i got so nauseaus with it. When my insurance agreed to pay for the name brand, i took that again and it was fine. I have no idea why the generic brand made my stomach feel sick, but for whatever reason.... it did.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>coltsfan715</b></i>


Just wanted to say thank you to Liz. I did feel better when I ate shortly before. The nausea actually subsided for an hour or so. It is now just coming in waves. I can handle that though versus the constant sick feeling.</end quote></div>

I'm glad that it worked for you. I find its always better to be nautious after you eat, as opposed to before, because at the very least you are getting food inside of you. Have you tried Pepto Bismal or something like that to help with the nausia? I find that when I take my cipro after eating and I still feel nautisou - a tablespoon of Pepto helps me. Just a suggestion anyways.


New member
Have had ciprofloxicin many times over the years. I never have any problem with brand name Cipro, but have had terrible side effects from other brands. I don't know what the other ingredients are that cause those effects, but they definitely cause them. I use generics for other medications without problems, but for some reason it just doesn't work for me with cipro.

I always take mine just before or after eating something.

Take good care of yourself, lots of water and lots of rest. Go ahead and take a few naps!!


New member
Well today was much better. I had nausea off and on but nothing like yesterday and no headaches yay. I have been drinking more clear liquids today too. Some water and juices and I think that may have helped some.
That is interesting about the generic brands I hadn't even thought of that. Things that make ya go hmmm.

Thanks for all the tips guys.
